This anti-pimple serum quickly soothes skin irritations

If we are surprised by an annoying pimple, we want an effective first aid immediately: The 1st Speedy Spot Serum frees you from unwanted impurities in a short time and reliably gives you flawless skin. You can currently get the serum for only 16.90 euros instead of 21.90 euros!

The most important things at a glance:

  • Acni Dr. 1st Speedy Spot by isoi
  • Treats impurities and skin irritations quickly and efficiently
  • Consists of mild plant extracts
  • Balances the moisture and oil contentthe skin off
  • Particularly suitable for sensitive and problematic skin
  • You will receive this for a short time serum for only 16.90 euros instead of 21.90 euros!

We all have our problem areas – but especially on the face, where pimples are particularly annoying and noticeable, we have to struggle a lot. We have a Anti-acne serum found that in just Relieves the problem in a short time and combats spontaneous impurities quickly.

Curious? Then get the Acni Dr. 1st Speedy Spot Serum for only 16.90 euros instead of 21.90 euros. Here you get directly to the offer.

First aid for impurities: This serum quickly treats pimples and the like.

You can hardly imagine a situation that would be more annoying: A stubborn pimple forms shortly before the date. A solution has to be found quickly: that 1st Speedy Sport quickly and reliably relieves impurities and skin irritations. So nothing stands in the way of your next date!

But what exactly is in the serum? The anti-acne treatment consists of wrich plant extracts such as centella, bishop's herb, Bulgarian rose oil and tea tree. The latter is particularly known in the beauty world for its antibacterial properties. The mild mix treats problematic and sensitive skin gently and effectively. So the serum soothes redness and pimples, while at the same time reducing the Balances the moisture and oil content of the skin.

You will receive the anti-acne serum for a short time here for only 16.90 euros instead of 21.90 euros!

This is how you apply the serum

For the application, you first clean your face as usual. Then give Place 1-2 drops of the solution on a cotton swab and dab it on the affected areas. You should not give the serum to your hand during treatment, as this can cause bacteria to get into the solution.

Here you will receive the Acni. Dr. 1st Speedy Spot Treatment for only 16.90 euros instead of 21.90 euros!

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