this astro sign could have all his wishes granted (he is very lucky)

The New Moon in Virgo takes place on September 15, 2023. An astrological sign will be particularly impacted: all their wishes could be granted. He’s lucky !

There New Moon is an important astro event that takes place on September 15, 2023, the date on which Mercury resumes its direct movement (it stops its retrograde). The time is therefore for relief, for outcomes… The moment of a New Moon is special. For what ? It marks the start of a new cycle, the start of a new period, it is the opportunity to make a real new start. We feel its effects a few days before and a few days after. The next New Moon on September 15, 2023 takes place in the sign of Virgo, an earth sign which is in the spotlight in this month of September. In this regard, it will impact many astrological signs.

Among the 12 members of the zodiacal wheel, the sign most influenced by this New Moon is, unsurprisingly, Virgo! “The New Moon on the 15th forms in your sign and is extremely positive,” indicates Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. “It’s a bit like the genie in the lamp who comes to you to ask yourself what wish you want to achieve. If it is love that you are lacking, or if you need some adjustments, then do not hesitate to speak clearly to the genius in question who, in this case, has the appearance of the Sun and Moon conjunction.”The lucky Virgin only has to express her wishes for them to be granted! He must take advantage of it. Other astrological signs feel the effects of this New Moon.

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Other astro signs impacted by the New Moon in Virgo on September 15

This intense moment can have a positive or less positive impact on each astrological sign. This is the case for Taurus for example: “The new moon on the 15th could invite you to make concrete decisions in all these areas that we have mentioned”, notes Annalisa Angelucci. For other signs, this New Moon is synonymous with starting over, this is the case for Cancer: “During the New Moon in Virgo (on the 15th), you may be able to make a practical decision to transform them into something more and grant yourself the opportunity to dream of an original and hopeful future.” Libra needs to be careful and take a step back, as Annalisa Angelucci explains. “Take advantage of the New Moon in Virgo, on the 15th, to decide to let go of the ballast that has been weighing you down since last year and which is preventing or delaying your achievement.” It’s a moment full of surprises for each of the signs of the zodiac.

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