This astro sign is going to have a complicated end of September (he is upset)

An astrological sign could experience a difficult end of September… They must remain patient because during October, things will get better.

The month of September is almost coming to an end and already the sun has left the sign of Virgo to nestle in the sign of Libra. “On September 23, with the autumnal equinox, a new and long parenthesis opens again with the cardinal – and therefore initiatory – sign of Libra”, complete Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. In addition to the arrival of the Libra anniversary season, another event marks the end of September: “The Full Moon in Aries occurs almost at the end of the month, on September 29 just before middayi”, indicates the astrologer. This intense event will impact everyone, especially Aries, who will experience a very important moment for him: “One of the strongest moments could be the 29th with a full moon in your sign. For some, the time for emancipation and growth will come.”

Gemini will also have a very good end of the month because this Full Moon in Aries is very beneficial to them: “The possibilities of meetings, passions and flirtations are concrete and probably increase with the autumnal equinox on the 23rd which officially opens the love season which, already with the Full Moon on the 29th, can lead to the desire to realize some dreams”, deepened the astrologer. For another astrological sign, the month of September will not necessarily go well… This is Pisces.

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Pisces, a sign that will experience a complicated end of September

Pisces is the most emotional sign of the zodiac. He is also one of the most creative. As a good water sign, he is extremely sensitive to the world around him and the energies of others. If he had a good month of September, the transition to the sign of Libra is not without difficulty. “Starting September 23, you may be ready to experience your transformation or at least begin a process of metamorphosis that will allow you to be reborn as yourself. But to do this you absolutely must avoid lying. Especially towards yourself”, warns Annalisa Angelucci. Pisces has difficulty accepting change and all the upheavals it implies. He has difficulty coping but nevertheless, he has to go through this to find himself and evolve. It’s an evil for a good.

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