this astro sign is going to have a nice promotion at the end of the month

The Full Moon in Taurus takes place on October 28, 2023. It will allow an astrological sign to obtain a nice promotion at work.

The Full Moon is a key moment in the month, very intense and full of energy. In October, the Full Moon takes place on October 28 in the sign of Taurus, at exactly 10:25 p.m. This Full Moon being in an earth sign, its impact on astrological signs is great. They are invited to take a step back, to anchor themselves in what is really important to them, to focus again on the essentials. “Anchored in the land of Taurus, you will be able to connect with Mother Nature, nurturing and benevolent, and reconnect with what is essential!”indicates the expert in her book, Flourishing with the Moon published by JouVence.

The Full Moon in Taurus has several different impacts on each of the signs of the zodiacal wheel. For some, it acts as a wake-up call, as for Taurus, but it can also bring with it luck and a nice sum of money, as it does for Leo. For Virgo, this Full Moon in Taurus is a liberation: “she could have a surprise in store for you that will restore your faith and optimism”, notes Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. For a sign, this Full Moon will be synonymous with promotion at work and professional advancement.

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This astro sign will have a promotion thanks to the Full Moon in Taurus

The sign that will have a lot of luck at work thanks to the Full Moon on October 28, 2023 is Scorpio: “At the end of the month, on the 28th with the Full Moon, a new contract, an interesting proposal or a valuable collaborator may appear on the horizon”, points out the astrologer. He who sorely needed it, will finally have recognition, but also the hope of finally moving forward in his professional project. The end of October marks the start of Scorpio season, so it makes sense that this water sign is encouraged! Another astrological sign could experience professional improvement: Cancer. “At the end of the month, with the Full Moon a project could reveal its potential or be viable”, says Annalisa Angelucci. If he is trying to start his business or if he has a project to carry out at work, Cancer will be well helped by this Full Moon.

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