This astro sign is very lucky at the end of January (he is swimming in complete happiness)

An astrological sign is very lucky at the end of January 2024. He is very happy and is starting the year very well.

Video by Noemie Letellier

The month of January is not over. Some signs were lucky during the first month of the year. Some at the beginning, others more towards the middle, while others experienced a complicated period on all points. It must be admitted that the month of January is rather atypical because it marks the start of a new year. Among the notable events of the month of January, we find the arrival of Pluto in Aquarius, which finally leaves Capricorn. “Everyone will perceive the effects of this phenomenon even if, given the duration of the transit, we will talk about it several times in the future,” warns Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin.

Pluto’s entry into Aquarius affects many astrological signs, such as Scorpio: “Some of you will be particularly sensitive to the entry of Pluto into Aquarius on the 21st and precisely near this date you will perhaps have the intuition – and in some cases the certainty – that a new phase is on the way. point to begin. A phase in which the roots could sink into a new land and the prospect of a new family, and in any case a new household, is absolutely to be considered. explains Annalisa Angelucci. Scorpio is therefore rather lucky at the end of January. But an astrological sign is even luckier at this end of me!

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This astrological sign is very lucky at the end of January

If there’s one sign that’s lucky in January, it’s Taurus! At the beginning of the month, he can earn a lot of money, and with the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, he is very lucky in all areas: “In the second half of the month, between the injunctions of Pluto which returns to Aquarius, the resumption of the direct movement of Uranus and the encouraging aspects that the latter will form with Mercury and Mars, will be able to reactivate this evolutionary process that almost all natives experience or have lived since 2018 and which in many cases concerns their professional stature and career.” On the agenda, changes of direction, professional reconversions, new jobs… Opportunities are multiplying and offer numerous advantages to the earth sign.

Of course, another sign is very lucky: Aquarius which hosts Pluto for two years. “The planet can help you discover new talents and abilities that you didn’t even know you had. But of course, this will require courage: the courage to change, to modify, to establish oneself on new bases”explains the astrologer.

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