this astro sign is very lucky in love from November 8

The planet Venus is that of love and harmony. On November 8, she enters Libra and this will bring luck in love to a particular astrological sign.

Venus is the planet of love, but that’s not all. We cannot “reduce” it to that. It is also the planet of affections, feelings, harmony, peace, gentleness… Like each planet, it is associated with an astrological sign, in this case two: Taurus (an earth sign ) and Libra (air sign). After being in the sign of Virgo, Venus arrives in the sign of Libra from November 8, 2023. “Venus, in Libra from November 8, helps to accentuate the need for peace and harmony, notes Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. This goes for each of the signs of the zodiac. But some signs are more affected by this movement than others.

One sign in particular is going to be very lucky in love from November 8, 2023. Who is it? Libra! Indeed, having your planet arrive in your sign is not trivial and this will boost your luck particularly in the area of ​​romantic relationships. “With Venus – your Venus, the planet that guides you – accompanying you for three-quarters of the month, love, beauty, harmony, relationships and all the concepts linked to this planet become relevant again” , indicates the astrologer. “From November 8, as soon as it enters your sign, you will be able to benefit from its lucky and protective aura which develops charm and elegance in you and pushes you to come out of this shell where, for various reasons, many of you find yourself were locked up.” A good period is coming for the most indecisive air sign of the zodiacal wheel.

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Venus in Libra: these other signs impacted by the planet

The arrival of Venus in Libra is also very good news for other astrological signs. Among them, we count:

  • Gemini: “With Venus in Libra from November 8, a fertile and harmonious period opens for you in which you will feel more satisfied. Couples could experience a break of sweetness and pleasure or find a peace that they lacked and singles could make stimulating encounters.”
  • Lion : when Venus enters Libra, “it will make you feel more balanced and protect business transactions, contracts and documents throughout the month.”
  • The Virgin : “For a good half of the month, the beneficial effects of Venus in your sign, as well as the transits of the planets, indicate that everything related to commerce, documents, transactions or even studies and training is mobile and dynamic. ”

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