This astro sign will formalize his romantic relationship in March

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Romantic relationships are not always easy. In March 2023, an astrological sign will formalize his romantic relationship…

The beginnings of a romantic relationship are not always easy. Indeed, some people take longer to establish an exclusive relationship and to put the label “couple” about their situation. Some signs are more attached to this status than others, we think of very romantic signs like Pisces or Cancer. We also think of signs that find it easy to talk about their feelings (while for some, it’s a challenge). If putting words to feelings or desires isn’t always easy (especially for signs that can’t say “I like you”), a zodiac sign will want to shout from the rooftops that they are in a relationship in the middle of March 2023.

What sign is it? From Taurus. Yes yes, this materialistic and passionate earth sign will want to formalize his relationship, if it is not already clear. This desire will especially arrive around March 17, date on which Venus is about to enter your sign, which is also her domicile. “As far as you are concerned, you could find – in case you have lost them – pleasant sensations that make you feel more solid, more beautiful, softer and in any case more protected”. complete Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer, for aufeminin.

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Taurus, a romantic sign that needs to formalize their relationship

If Taurus is in love, he gives everything to the loved one. It is a sign that likes to love and the good things in life. A real epicurean. If he is truly attached to someoneso he will really want to show it to everyone in mid-March : “In the second half of the month, love, if until then it had been rather a hidden, clandestine, secret and private experience, will want to express itself and show itself. I therefore do not exclude, in certain cases, an officialization of a story.”

More than a “simple” formalization, the Taurus could indeed advance his nascent couple in another dimension. “There is also a desire to build something out of love or passion and therefore the birth of long-term sentimental projects is likely. And while a natural caution may attempt to thwart the urge to dream and imagine wondrous scenarios, the transit of the Goddess of Love will be truly earth-shattering until the end of the month.” Taurus will be in a little bubble of marital bliss! Note that Taurus, as a good earth sign, is particularly compatible with other earth signs or water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Nevertheless, everything is possible since the character of a person does not entirely depend on his astro sign.

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