This astro sign will have a very good start to March

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The month of March holds surprises for each astrological sign. This sign in particular is going to have a very good start to the month. He’s lucky !

Luck does not smile on everyone at the beginning of March. Indeed, some astrological signs will have a difficult start to the month. However, for many, the arrival of March coincides with the arrival of spring, the mild temperatures, new outfits and fashion trends of the moment… But also the great cleaning and renewal that goes with this season. Mars is the home stretch before all of this. This is the moment when Pisces is put forward, in the spotlight. This water sign is the most sensitive of the zodiac, and certainly the most empathetic. He knows how to put himself in people’s shoes and that makes him an incredible friend and life partner. Pisces can finally profit after a rather difficult period at the beginning of 2023.

If Pisces is going to have a very good month of March overall, the arrival of Saturn will penalize the natives of the first decan: they will feel the planet which will try to limit their creative sense. “It’s hard, but it can make them grow because framing their creation allows their talents to be exploited”, indicates Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer, for aufeminine. This planet will allow February Pisces to be able to build and implement the projects imagined last year with the favors of Jupiter. The planet of abundance, on the other hand, helps you create value and improve your communications. One sign in particular, in addition to Pisces, going to have a very nice start to the month of March.

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This zodiac sign is very lucky at the beginning of March

Aquarius is a particularly lucky sign in early March. This Air sign is going to blow! For the past two years, he has welcomed Saturn into his sign. “This planet knows how to impose rules and sacrifices, sometimes harsh, but which at the end of its transition, in March 2023, give new solidity to this sign”, explains Annalisa Angelucci. In March, Saturn transits through the resources and money sector forcing him to be very honest with himself, to reduce or eliminate unnecessary activities or expenses that drain much of his energy (and his money ). The planet could also help him start working to channel his gifts and talents.

Aquarius isn’t the only one lucky enough to smile on them in March. In effectVirgo is also lucky. This earth sign takes advantage of the month of March and its energies to clean up its relationships with others. Virgo wants seriousness in their relationships but also in their work. “This need to restore order will be much stronger from March when, in front of their own Sun, Virgos will find themselves in front of Saturn, a planet that favors the consolidation of serious and solid relationships”, explains Annalisa Angelucci. Virgo might want to formalize a relationship, for example.

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