This astrological sign has an eventful sex life in November (his libido is intense)

An astrological sign takes advantage of the energies of November to flourish sexually. His sex life is in good shape and he isn’t complaining about it.

The month of November is when winter really sets in. The days are getting shorter and shorter, the nights are long and nature is almost at rest. This is the time when some people like to stay at home, doing cocooning activities like drinking a good tea in front of a hit series or doing a beauty care routine in front of a cult film. “Some appreciate these melancholic atmospheres which encourage introspection, sleep and rest while waiting to be able to be reborn cyclically and start again, later, according to seasonal rhythms”, notes Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin.

Some signs are very lucky in November, either in love or financially, or even both depending on the time of the month. Some members of the zodiac wheel have all the stars aligned for happiness. One of the 12 signs of the zodiac is going to be lucky in their sex life. He is experiencing an intense moment and he is blossoming sexually. What sign is this? Sweet and generous Pisces.

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Pisces, a sign with a busy sex life

Pisces is very lucky in their love life, but more specifically in their sex life. “Venus in Libra from November 8 guarantees good sexuality and makes you the recipient of gifts and attention from others”, says Annalisa Angelucci. Pisces loves attention and they like to feel loved, so this feeling comes at the right time. Pisces shares beautiful moments with his or her partner and becomes physically closer to him or her. “The New Moon on the 13th invites you to adopt a more optimistic and positive attitude despite the demands of Saturn which becomes direct again in your sign and can make you feel guilty and inadequate”, underlines the astrologer. Pisces must take advantage and stay on course despite the challenge from Saturn. He must remain optimistic and everything will work out for the best!

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