this astrological sign is going to have a very good second part of the month (he is very happy)

An astrological sign is going to have a very nice second part of October. He is lucky in every way!

The month of October is well underway. Some signs were lucky at the beginning of the month, others more towards the middle or even during the New Moon in Libra (which was combined with a solar eclipse). This New Moon was the symbol of renewal and new beginnings for many astrological signs. It marked the transition to the second part of the month and certain signs of the zodiac are luckier during the second half of October than during the first. This is particularly the case for Cancer, which feels a real boost in mid-October: “You are passionate and you want love, tenderness but also sex and laughter. And there will be no shortage of opportunities. The New Moon on the 14th helps you decide to bring balance and harmony into your home”says Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin.

Cancer feels ready to move forward, to create, to move… “After a long period of stasis and in any case of reflections and changes of ideas or questioning, in September things began to take shape and, in October, most of you should be in the heart of the action.The water sign takes back control of his life. “An action that will prove effective, strategic and, hopefully, successful especially in the second half of the month, a period during which you will be particularly imaginative and creative.” Cancer is finally recognized for its abilities to create and its sensitivity to the world around it. But this sign is not the only one to have a dreamy second part of October… Leo is also very productive.

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Leo, a very happy astro sign during the second part of October

THE Leo is the sun sign par excellence. He spent a long time under observation. But in October, everything changes and finally settles: “After a long period of questions, experiences and reflections which pushed you to rediscover love and confidence in yourself, as well as to review your conceptions of love, values ​​​​and priorities, you you are probably now preparing to put into practice the fruits of your renewed beliefs.” In the second part of October, Leo is even more active: “ideas or desires to live concretely with your loved one can turn into serious projects and completely disrupt your current way of life.” He wants to build and move forward!

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