This bad habit we have for sleeping in winter promotes fungal infections, according to a dermatologist

With the sudden drop in outside temperatures and the arrival of snow, many of us are having difficulty finding sleep when it’s time to go to bed because we’re cold. And with the ever-increasing cost of electricity, heating continues to be a luxury. Faced with this observation, everyone uses their own technique to feel warm : sleep with a blanket in addition to a very warm duvet validated by 60 Million consumersmake Uniqlo clothing with heattech technology its pajamas… But be careful, among these habits to fight against the cold, one of them is particularly bad for the health of our nails and skinaccording to Dr. Dima Haidar, a dermatologist who also gives his advice on Instagram under the pseudonym @docteur_skin.

It’s in a interview granted to Current wife that the doctor warns against sleeping with socks at night so as not to get cold feet. “In general, it is best to sleep without socks” she explains, before specifying that “otherwise it promotes fungus on the nails and toes with sweating”.

How to avoid foot fungus (nails and skin) without feeling cold?

Rest assured, this does not mean that you have to resort to freezing to fall asleep. “You can warm your feet before sleeping and then remove them (the socks)”, specifies the dermatologist. So enjoy the comforting warmth of your socks during the evening, before slipping a hot water bottle at the bottom of the bed to maintain a pleasant temperature for your feet when you go to bed. In addition to this good reflex, it is also essential to ensure the hygiene of the socks you use in the evening to warm up. Let’s already remember that it is essential to use clean socks, and not those worn during the day. Then, don’t forget to change your pair of socks every evening, even if you only wear them for a few hours during the evening. These are the good habits to adopt to prevent the development of fungus on the skin and nails of your feet.

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