this buckwheat flour should not be consumed

If you enjoy making pastries of all kinds and regularly buy buckwheat flour, this information is important to know.

The love of cooking and baking are shared by many enthusiasts. To make your most beautiful cakes and sweet treats, it is important to be creative. And if some centralize their attention on the presentation, others are much more attentive to the origin of the products. Some budding pastry chefs favor safe values, such as wheat flour, used by a large majority of consumers.

Others have a taste for risk and like to test things, and therefore different products. Buckwheat flour (or buckwheat flour), for example, is more commonly used to make pancakes, cakes, pies or waffles. To obtain this product easily, it is easier to go to a supermarket, but unpleasant surprises can happen.

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Buckwheat flour unfit for consumption

In the preparation circuit adopted in the agri-food sector, the risks of contamination or incidents remain possible. This was the case for this buckwheat flour ground with an organic stone mill, from the JP Cloteau brand. Batches of 1 kg, sold from March 1 to April 26, 2024, have been recalled. They should definitely not be consumed.

In fact, they were contaminated with tropane alkaloids. These plant compoundswhich is found in datura (a plant) are toxic to humans and “have effects on the nervous system”we can read on the Rappel Conso website. So be sure to put aside contaminated flour bags, if you purchased any. Their identification number is as follows: GTIN 3760222470179, batch 2A, minimum durability date March 1, 2025.

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Precautions to take

Other important information to know, these bags of buckwheat or buckwheat flour were sold in Brittany and Normandy. If you purchased organic buckwheat flour, from the JP Cloteau brand, during the period specified above, be sure to put them aside. You can return them to the store, you will obtain a refund for the products purchased.

On the Rappel Conso website, it is specified that symptoms that may occur after contamination with tropane alkaloids are the following : “dry mouth, dilated pupils, visual disturbances, tachycardia, agitation, confusion, space-time disorientation, hallucinations, incoherent speech.” Do not hesitate to consult a doctor quickly if you have eaten dishes cooked with this buckwheat flour.
As a general rule, when you consume products sold in supermarkets, remember to check regularly if they are not the subject of a product recall on the Rappel Conso website.

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Freelance editor for several years, I am passionate about cinema, series and news. Curious, I tackle social issues every day, topics related to celebrity news,…

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