this candidate particularly observed by Emmanuel Macron


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If he is the big favorite in the presidential election next April, Emmanuel Macron would nevertheless closely monitor one of his main opponents. And for good reason, the latter is progressing rapidly in the polls.

As the presidential election is fast approaching, one question is on everyone’s lips: who are the two candidates who will oppose the second round? According to a recent Ipsos/Sopra Steria survey carried out for The world and published on Monday, March 28, Emmanuel Macron should, with 28% of voting intentions in the first round, face Marine Le Pen, credited with 17.5% of the vote. However, another candidate may be about to change the situation. Indeed, given its recent rise in the polls, Jean-Luc Melenchon, now at 14% according to the same poll, could well reach the second round. In any case, this is what the macronist clan seems to think, which observe closely the leader of La France insoumise.

“Like Le Pen, the wolf has turned into a grandmother”said one of them in the columns of the newspaper OpinionMonday, March 21. “Thanks to Éric Zemmour, the entry ticket for the second round will be lower this year than in 2017”noted another member of the presidential majority. “Mélenchon can very well qualify for the second round”, he also observed. Nevertheless, the prospect of a duel between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron does not worry those around the President of the Republic. On the contrary, according to Opinionthe MP for Bouches-du-Rhône would actually be the head of state’s least feared adversary. And for good reason, even if he tries to rally the left behind him, the latter should not manage to gather a sufficient number of votes to win the ballot.

“Anyway, Mélenchon will have no voice reserve”

“Even if we add the voices of Roussel, Jadot and Hidalgo to those of Mélenchon, we barely reach 25%”noted a member of La République en Marche. “Anyway, Mélenchon will have no vote reserve on the left and the right will support Macron, for fear of seeing Mélenchon come to power”assured a relative of the husband of Brigitte Macron. “Socialists will never vote Mélenchon”, finally affirmed a parliamentarian from the majority. In addition, according to an Ifop study published in Le Journal du Dimanche on March 20, 12% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters in 2017 say they want to support Fabien Roussel in 2022, and 11% of them
wish to turn to Yannick Jadot. Enough to reassure Emmanuel Macron a little more.

Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and the same Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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