this cheese delight is finally back


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Are you a fan of junk food? Addicted to cheese? This news will delight you: the McWrap Goat cheese is back in McDonalds restaurants since October 19, 2021.

Barely out of the Mercury retrograde, the good news is already back: rising temperatures, the upcoming arrival of Halloween, new features on Netflix … In the food department, McDonald’s is the one who draws, responding to requests. many. his junk food fans. On October 19 at midnight, the brand posted a tweet indicating the comeback of a classic too infrequently featured: the McWrap Goat Cheese, a cheesy version of the famous McDonald’s filled pancake. The promise of this little sandwich: “two crispy and hot goats, a creamy sauce, fried onions, tomato slices, salad, all wrapped in a wheat pancake”.

Why do we love him? Because it’s fall and our cheese cravings (raclettes, sandwiches and other fondues) are at their peak. But also, because it is mini, inexpensive, in short: ideal for snacking. Bonus: this McDonald’s recipe is veggie, which makes it a popular specialty. You now know where to find her.

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