This combat sport is ideal for the elderly (it helps prevent falls)

Every year in France, falls among elderly people can represent real dangers leading to very heavy hospitalizations as well as physical and psychological trauma that should not be neglected. This is why new, very interesting workshops have been developed to prevent these falls, we explain!

If there is one risk that should not be neglected as we age, it is that of accidental falls, which unfortunately are not without consequences from a certain age. Fractures, bruises, wounds, fear of falling again, loss of autonomy are all factors that can occur after a fall and which will lead to a reduction in a senior’s quality of life. You should know that in France each year there are nearly two million falls among people aged over 65, resulting in 400,000 people with after-effects, 130,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths.

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A factor which represents the leading cause of accidental mortality among the elderly. This is why it is essential not to take the subject lightly and to provide support to seniors who need it most. The older we get, the more difficult it is for the body to find balance and adequate movement, it is therefore in this context that the risks of falls are greatest, in order to prevent them new workshops are organized. We tell you more!

Judo workshop for the elderly: an adapted method

We know that physical activity is essential for health and well-being, especially as we age. If we tend to do less sport or move less as we get older, practicing a sport, even if it is light, allows us to maintain our physical health and reduce the risk of illness. This is why it is important not to stop everything at a certain age. It is in this context that a new activity is offered in senior residences, practical, useful and adapted, it is a real success and it is Taïso judo.

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Although it cannot be practiced without a medical prescription, Taïso judo has many benefits, particularly when it comes to teaching older people to fall correctly. It is through numerous educational and fun situations with a judo professional that older people learn to work on anchoring to the ground and motor skills in general. Meaning “ path of flexibility » in Japanese, judo offers many advantages to our elders combined with techniques called ukemi allowing us to learn to fall correctly avoiding the possible risk of injury.

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In addition to having many benefits for the elderly such as the preservation of autonomy, regular physical activity, but also better apprehension of falls, Taïso judo is based on four fundamental principles. Principles which guarantee the safety of seniors and which will help them in their everyday lives:

  • Always protect your head by considering it as the most important part of the body, it must never touch the ground even during a fall
  • Learn to fall as low as possible to hurt yourself as little as possible by bending your legs for example.
  • Learn to roll rather than fall by rounding your body as much as possible.
  • Vibrate the ground when the body arrives to reduce suffering, a technique which is applied by striking the ground violently and sharply at the moment of impact of the body with it.

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A sport which has gained the enthusiasm of our elders for several months, as we saw during a report onBFMTVin which a 90-year-old woman expresses herself: “It makes me feel good because it makes me do a little gymnastics. I am delighted“.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, Jessica naturally turned to writing and takes…

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