this confessional interview that surprised everyone


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In 2019, Princess Charlene of Monaco shared her suffering in the pages of a South African magazine. A very difficult year for her, marked by mourning and many doubts.

Confidences that made noise. In recent months, Charlene of Monaco has been treated “of a general and deep fatigue”, following a serious ENT infection contracted during a trip to South Africa. If this period was difficult for the princess, another year was also very complicated for her.

In December 2019, the wife of Albert II confided in the South African magazine Huisgenoot why she was not smiling: “The past year has definitely hit me hard”. The reason ? The death of two of his friends “died in ten days”. “It was incredibly painful”, she explained. To this loss was added a concern about the state of health of his father Michael Wittstock, then 73 years old, and operated in South Africa. “This year has definitely hit me hard. People are very quick to say, ‘Oh, why isn’t she smiling in the pictures?’ Well, sometimes it’s hard to smile. They don’t know what’s going on in the background.”

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“I miss my family and friends in South Africa”

Living today on the Rock of Monaco since her marriage to Prince Albert in 2011, the mother of Gabriella and Jacques did not hide her homesickness: “I’m privileged to have this life, but I miss my family and friends in South Africa and I’m sad because I can’t always be there for them.” Confidences that have surprised more than one and which have not failed to relaunch the rumors, almost permanent, about her discomfort in her role as a princess.

Camille Sanchez

Camille is a jack-of-all-trades who loves to vary the subjects, with a slight preference for everything related to women’s rights, health and…

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