This country’s police force will soon be equipped like ghost hunters, but why?

In England, law enforcement could soon have a weapon capable of stopping fleeing electric vehicles. This electromagnetic cannon, worn like a backpack, is inspired by the equipment of the famous Ghost Hunters.

anti-vehicle police
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THE electric vehicles are gaining popularity thanks to their respect for the environment and their impressive performance. However, these same qualities also make them attractive to criminals. Law enforcement must therefore adapt to this new threat, by developing tools capable of neutralize these vehicles quickly and efficiently.

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After having developed a futuristic laser cannon, the British authorities, via the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, are working on a electromagnetic weapon intended to stop electric vehicles. This project, supported by the British Ministry of Defence, aims to create a device capable of deactivating their engine. It thus offers a new method of arrest without dangerous pursuit.

This weapon sends a pulse that stops electric vehicles

This weapon is designed to be carried on the back like a backpack, reminiscent of equipment used in the franchise Ghostbusters. According to Gavin Stephens, chairman of the British National Police Chiefs’ Council, the military system is not yet ready to enter service. In addition to the technical challenges of its design, measures are necessary to ensure environmental and human safety. THE electromagnetic cannon emits a pulse which disrupts electronic components vehicles to force them to stop. The impulse is so powerful that it simulates overheating of the engine and stops it immediately.

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Although this technology is promising, the emission of an electromagnetic pulse could represent a danger for people with, for example, heart implants, whether in the vehicle or surroundings. Potential risks to human health must be carefully assessed before this weapon is deployed. At the Farnborough technology fair, a prototype was reportedly presented. However, the adoption of such weapons by law enforcement will depend on the ability to minimize these risks.

Source: futuroprossimo

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