This couple has lost 172 kilos combined

Incredible transformation
This couple has lost 172 kilos combined

© chantellevsg / Private

Chantelle and Grant love each other — and eat together. Only when their weight almost costs them their lives do they rethink and declare war on the kilos. Together they create an incredible transformation.

In 2012, Australian Chantelle Fleming weighed 130 kilos and was going through a difficult time: She took prescription appetite suppressants, which had already caused her to lose 20 kilos, but which also had strong side effects: “I woke up at night drenched in sweat and had horrific hallucinations,” revealed them to the portal.

Diets didn’t work

“I loved food and always hoped that the weight would magically go away on its own. I’ve also tried countless diets but none have worked. I’ve always found my way back to food.”

At that time, she met Grant on an online portal – she weighed 179 kilos at the time. He wanted to help her lose weight but advised Chantelle to stop taking the appetite suppressants. “I immediately felt better afterwards, but the weight that I lost came back quickly too.”

Chantelle has always had a soft spot for sweets, and lacked self-discipline. “When I started my first job in a call center, I ate chocolate all day and washed it down with energy drinks.”

When you just can’t say no

And she wasn’t alone: ​​”Grant could never say no to food either. Together we made a terrible combination in that regard.” When they became a couple, the two Australians regularly went out and ate high-calorie foods like burgers and fries. Chantelle: “We both loved to eat a lot. And there was nobody to stop us.”

Couple slims down: Chantelle and Grant

Today, Chantelle and Grant are slim and happy with their lives

© chantellevsg / Private

The behavior of the two Australians finally became excessive when they moved in together: they ordered from the delivery service twice a day and devoured whole family packs of chocolate. “Eating together was our thing. We loved it so much we even bought a second fridge so we could always have enough around the house,” says Chantelle.

A wedding dress in size 56

When Grant finally proposed to her, Chantelle was overjoyed, but at the same time she feared the happiest day of her life. “I didn’t want to be a fat bride, but I had no choice.” She wore her wedding dress in August 2014 in size 56. After that she lost all courage: “On our honeymoon we only ate, we just didn’t care. It was like a last gasp, because somewhere deep inside I knew that our bodies that wouldn’t last much longer.”

The wake up call

And she was right: While Grant could barely fit into his 7XL shirts, Chantelle’s legs were swollen and she was constantly exhausted because her body could no longer support her 174 kilos. “One day I was sitting at my desk and then just fell asleep from exhaustion. I was so shocked that I immediately ran to the doctor hoping that some medication could fix it.” She was disappointed: “My doctor said there were only two options. Either I would lose weight or die.”

The couple decided to take a radical step: they pooled all the money they had saved and both underwent stomach reduction surgery. In addition, the junk food lovers changed their diet: instead of burgers and fries, there were smoothies and shakes in the future. “We lost weight incredibly quickly and over time we’ve learned all about healthy eating and nutrients,” said Chantelle.

The result is incredible: together, the couple lost 172 kilos in just one year. Chantelle has lost 93 kilos, Grant 79. “It’s been a long road, but now I don’t have to cry in the changing room because the clothes don’t fit me.”

Couple slims down: Chantelle today

Chantelle then and now

© chantellevsg / Private

Finally feel good in your own body

But Chantelle still missed an important step to be happy: Due to the excessive weight loss, she retained several skin flaps. “I accomplished so much, but the ugly excess skin was a constant reminder of what I had been.”

It wasn’t until another crowdfunded surgery to remove the flaps of skin that Chantelle began to feel truly comfortable in her body. Today she and Grant are fit, healthy and most importantly proud of what they have achieved.


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