This cross battle is the closest in the history of the program with one vote difference

On this Saturday, April 27, 2024, the performances of The Voice 2024 candidates were fantastic. And the least we can say is that during these cross battles, the public had a lot of difficulty deciding between the talents of the candidates.

They have finally arrived. The elimination tests cross battles of The Voice 2024 are moments of high tension for the singers, but also, and especially for the coaches. Depending on the results of the audience, each coach can lose a member of his team or even the entire group. Suffice to say that strategy is essential.

But this year, it seems that the candidates’ performance talents are at their peak. At each cross battle, it’s a challenge for voters to choose the best performance. However, coaches defend the members of their teams as much as possible. Decisions will be difficult to make this week. So what does this first session of cross battles have in store for us? The Voice on TF1?

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A first duel that surprises the coaches of The Voice

It’s up to Mika to open the ball cross battles. This Saturday, April 27, 2024, he chooses to face the team of Bigflo and Oli with his candidate Mia. The two brothers therefore decide to bring Arthur on stage to defend themselves. Two very different voices. She sings Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles. He interprets Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. We have before our eyes very moving performancesbut totally opposite.

Very different music and yet everyone succeeded in their performance in front of the audience of The Voice. The tension is at its peak. The first choice will be decisive for the rest of the evening on TF1. Will it be Mia’s powerful rock or Arthur’s melodious voice that will win this victory? The public has decided. Without doubt, the voters’ favorite is Mia’s talent. Nevertheless, the second duel will give the public a hard time.

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The candidates upset the spectators on the set of The Voice

A new confrontation arrives on the set of The Voice. It’s the turn of Iris, the participant of Bigflo and Oli to prove that she has talent by performing the Simon and Garfunkel classic, The Sound of Silence. Then, Aprile, from Vianney’s team, takes the stage to sing Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys. Two performances that please the public and the coaches.

It’s time to vote. When the winner is announced, the presenter Nikos Aliagas points out that there have never been such close results in the history of The Voice. He continues by saying: “0.5, it was played by 2 voices, 2 people, friends”. However, there is one of these singers who wins this cross battle. It is Iris, the talent of Bigflo and Oli who continues her journey in this adventure. The show The Voice still promises very nice surprises for TF1 viewers.

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