this disorder that no specialist has been able to diagnose

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It was during an interview for Elle magazine that the 44-year-old model Laetitia Casta returned with tenderness to her life as a couple as well as to her dyslexic disorder from which she has suffered for a while.

Laetitia Casta whose timeless beauty has always captivated us confides in the columns of the magazine She this Thursday, October 27. The 44-year-old ex-model is still on top today, even more beautiful than when she was young, this young quadra does not take herself seriously. It is with a touch of self-mockery that the actress married to Louis Garrel presents herself in this interview as a touching and funny woman, who places good humor and humor at the center of her life.

The one of whom we know little about her private life indulges in a few revelations: “I don’t want to become a painful actress, anxious about herself. I seek and I find all the opportunities to laugh at myself, it defuses everything. And I’m lucky to live with the funniest man in the world. Especially since he has the talent to be able to remain dignified in the giggles, which is not my case ”. A family life that looks all the more healthy and joyful.

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A dyslexic disorder diagnosed too late

It was then that the actress took the opportunity to talk about a disorder she suffered from and which unfortunately no doctor was able to diagnose early enough. Fortunately, this young mother is ironic about the situation: “I make my loved ones laugh a lot, but it’s always in spite of myself! Stuff escapes me and I only understand afterwards why I said or did something funny”.

She therefore explains the reasons for these nice mockeries: “I think it’s due to my dyslexia, which nobody diagnosed when I was little… My brain was made in a weird way, which doesn’t show in work fortunately, but in private, it gives me a way of speaking, and above all of getting angry, which makes everyone pissed off. Not very believable to get angry when you are the princess of Motordu!she concludes with irony.

Jessica Ferret

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