This error occurs in the shower for the feet in good health, but also in a podologue

Pour garder des pieds en bonne santé mieux vaut éviter this erreur commune au moment de sortir de la douche, selon les conseils d’une podologue.

With the arrival of the beaux jours, the name is the same as entering the corps in the exhibitor on the beach in the soleil. L’occasion de prendre soin de soi de la tête aux pieds. En effet, si chacun suit ses preferences en matière de routine skincare fonction de son type de peau notamment, the peut s’avérer plus compliqué d’identifier les bonnes pratiques et les soins les plus adaptés pour le bien-être des pieds.

De la fréquence et la method de la coupe des ongles au choix du masque le plus adapté aux besoins du pieds en passant par les traitsements contre la transpiration excessive, prendre soin de ses pieds est une discipline à part entière qui demande un certain savoir-faire . Bonne new, an expert in the domaine livre ses conseils pour prendre soin de ses pieds comme il se doit.

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Une astuce pour éviter les mycoses des pieds

The mardi 21 may 2024, Sandrine Bergere Morant, pedicure podologue in the ville de Cannes a accepté de partager quelques bonne pratiques pour s’assurer des pieds en bonne santé dans les colonnes de nos confrères de Current Women. The opportunity to learn more about the solutions offered to people wearing short and floppy heels, for example, but also to end with this error that we often make when getting out of the shower.

In other words, it is advisable not to overlook certain areas, particularly the spaces between towns. “It should always be washed well between the areas, with soap, but also to be well protected in this area, insists Sandrine Bergere Morant. En effet, si vous faites partie de cells et ceux qui ont tendance à négliger le séchage des pieds, mieux vaut s’y pencher plus sérieusement au risque de créer an environnement favorable au développement des mycoses.

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Good practices for taking care of your feet

In the same logic, the specialist suggests to people who sweat too much on their feet to wear a different pair of shoes every day. “Instead, the shoes do not have drying time, it takes more than 12 hours to dry a shoe”before she. Due to the good cleaning frequency, Sandrine Bergere Morant recommends two daily washes, one in the morning and another in the evening.

“If you wet your feet, change your socks and shoes every day, go to a podiatrist once or twice a day, dry well between your feet after each shower, and avoid putting on too much varnish to let your nails breathe, you will avoid enormous problems!”specifically Sandrine Bergere Morant.

Journaliste passionate about the questions of society and the subjects of the current situation, Hugo met his plume at the service of information. Interested in all the themes, the impact of the artificial intelligence on…

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