this essential oil no. 1 to have in your skin to improve your health

If you still don’t hear about this essential oil, it will become an indispensable part of your life, especially if you are in full menopause.

Among others, this essential oil sometimes known can have many benefits, especially helping to balance female hormones. But it is among other very beneficial, especially for skin problems.

If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis or even menopause and polycystic ovarian syndrome, it is essential that you purchase this oil from your pharmacy or specialist stores.

Essential oil to have urgently in the skin

It is said that onion oil or bourrache oil. If you haven’t heard of these essential oils yet, it’s time to go to your pharmacy. In effect, the two oils have the same properties simply, the bourrache oil is rich in essential oils, gamma-linolenic acid (AGL), whereas the onion oil will be contained in smaller quantities.

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Carole Minker, a pharmacy doctor, explained the benefits of onion oil or bourrache. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it promotes skin softness and balances sebum production. It is particularly interesting in the treatment of skin, complete with topical application, of eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, acne. In effect, this oil is particularly recognized for the suffering people of premenstrual problems or pains, but also and especially in the benefits they provide for the symptoms of menopause (heatstroke, dry skin, night sweats).

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Contraindications to the use of onion oil

Certainly, like all essential oils or medicines, there are no contraindications to the use of bourrache oil or onion oil. It is advisable to avoid using this essential oil in the case where you buy of anti-coagulants or antivirals, if you suffer from problems with coagulation or even epilepsy or general anesthesia. By warning, It is also not recommended for pregnant women or those who use bourrache oil or onyx.

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Can be used in capsule form, bourrache oil or onion oil allows a more regular and more practical dose for certain people. In case you suffer from problems related to menstruation or menopause, it is advisable to take 1 or 2 500mg gels or oil-formulated, a high-quality coffee spoon 3 times a day for 3 months. The cure can be renewed if necessary. In case you use bourrache oil or onion in cosmetics to have moisturized and nourished skin, it is recommended that youapply some drops to the skin in the evening after removing makeup for example.

Actus Editorial

I have a degree from the School of Journalism in Nice, am 26 years old and am originally from South France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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