This evening on TV: the film that necessarily makes you nostalgic

Every day, AlloCiné recommends a film to (re)watch on TV. Tonight: a supernatural love story.

Inspired by the scene in “Hamlet”, in which the title role is confronted by the specter of his late father who charges him to avenge his death, screenwriter Bruce Joel Rubin writes the story of Ghost: Sam Wheat, brutally shot in full street, becomes a ghost. He then investigates his own murder and tries to get in touch with his widow Molly with the help of a clairvoyant. To embody the hero, Bruce Joel Rubin immediately thinks of Patrick Swayze, especially following an interview where the latter evokes his deceased father with emotion.

The actor thus makes himself known in a new light to the public, he who has often embodied big arms. Alongside Demi Moore, he forms one of the most sensual couples in cinema, immortalized by the pottery scene, punctuated by the title “Unchained Melody” of the Righteous Brothers. Special mention, also, to the brilliant Whoopi Goldberg, winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in a supporting role for her performance.

Surprise success in the summer of 1990 in the United States, Ghost thwarted the forecasts of box office experts by becoming the second biggest success of that year, behind Mom, I missed the plane!, but ahead of Dances with Wolves and… Pretty Woman! In France, it seduces more than 3 million spectators. Combining romance, thriller and fantasy, Ghost is a deeply nostalgic film. All the more so today, faced with the magnetic aura of the late Patrick Swayze, whose thirteenth anniversary of his death will be celebrated on September 14th.

Ghost by Jerry Zucker with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg…

Tonight on 6ter at 9:05 p.m.

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