This fantastic saga is back in cinemas after 28 years. An actor died on the set of the first film

Culture news This fantastic saga is back in cinemas after 28 years. An actor died on the set of the first film

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There are many Arlesians at the cinema, with projects passing from hand to hand, even from studio to studio, and which see a whole army of actors parade. Today’s story concerns the remake of a film that has been discussed for no less than 16 years, and whose original version was marked by tragedy.

The Crow: in the early 90s, a filming and a drama

Making a film, like giving birth to any work, is a real obstacle course. From the idea to the realization, including distribution, filming and production, the hazards can be numerous. And again, we are only talking about the productions which ended up seeing the light of day, and not the infinity of projects that were simply thrown into the trash at various stages of production. In 1994 the film was released The Crowdirectly adapted from the comics of the same name created by James O’Barr. He tells the story of Eric Draven, a young rock guitarist murdered with and his partner Shelly Webster the day before their wedding by a certain T-Bird.

Before he died, Eric was forced to witness the rape and murder of his future wife. A year after the tragedy, a strange crow appears and resurrects Eric to enable him to carry out his revenge. Directed by Alex Proyas, The Crow starred Rochelle Davis, Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott and Brandon Lee, stunt double by Chad Stalheski future director of John Wick. During filming, everything is going well until Brandon Lee plays a scene during which he gets shot.

So he gets shot by Alex Baldwin with a loaded blank weapon, then collapses. The latter does not get up, and the entire production thinks that the actor, son of Bruce Lee, is playing another joke on his colleagues. However, it is not. Really injured, Brandon Lee is rushed to the hospital, where he falls into a coma then died of internal bleeding. The investigation will reveal that the weapon had indeed been loaded with blanks, but that a real projectile had remained stuck in the barrel. This tragic accident will generate $15 million in additional expenses, for a total budget of $23 million.

30 years after the original The Crow, the remake gets a release date

Despite everything, the film will be entitled to three sequels and a television series. However, in 2008 a remake project appeared, the production of which was entrusted to Corin Hardy. Many actors are mentioned, including Bradley Cooper, Tom Hiddleston, Luke Evans, Jack Huston and Jason Momoa. After wandering the alleys of Hollywood, the project resurfaced and was put in the hands of Rupert Sandersto whom we owe Snow White and the Hunter And Ghost in the Shellthe latter having been rather poorly received by critics and the public.

We will find there Bill Skarsgard as Eric Draven, but also Danny Huston, FKA Twigs and Sami Bouajila. Currently lacking a trailer or images, the remake of The Crow swill be released in the United States on June 7. No international date has been announced, but it is very likely that it is only a matter of time, the distributor being none other than Lionsgatewhich also acquired the distribution rights for “an eight-figure sum according to Deadline.

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