This female cliché annoys me the most

Two left thumbs when doing handicrafts, not being able to park, hormone-controlled behavior: we women have to deal with a number of clichés. We asked our editorial team which prejudices annoy our colleagues the most. An attempt to explain.

One thing first: We don't want to enjoy our self-pity, focus on ourselves or catch seeming compliments. On the contrary – we want to empower women, express our opinions clearly and not be afraid to be honest. And above all, we want to do away with outdated role models, clichés and prejudices.

Woman at the wheel

What really annoys me is the stereotype that women can't drive. Because it is so fixed in our and also my head! In all honesty: I am one of the few people in my circle of friends who even have a driver's license. I drive often, practiced and can park, at least significantly better than 80 percent of the men I know. Even so, I still find myself nervously parking under pressure as soon as people are nearby. I want to counteract the cliché – and that's exactly why I fulfill it. That's absurd.

Mareike, news editor

Thanks, no thanks

Often it may just be a sign of politeness. But what always upsets me: When someone tries to take a heavy bag or box from me without asking. Yes, if I reach the ultimate "overweight" mark when packing my suitcases, then I too may reach my limits. But then I will say that and ask for help. But if, for example, I reach for a box of books when moving, then need Nobody should take them from me and say: "You'd better take that lampshade or the pillows." Or if I have a full backpack on my back for a weekend trip – then I've probably packed it so that I can carry it myself. So leave me! I can do it!

Julia, news editor

Please think!

It upsets me that people like to say that women are naive when it comes to men and their behavior. With this argument, sexual assault, exploitation and abuse of power are often disguised, according to the motto: "Oh, so naive, she must know how men are." With just one word, bad or criminal behavior is excused instead of the actual problem enter into: namely, that sadly women are simply not safe from such behavior.

Ilka, fashion beauty editor

"Well, do you have your days, or why are you so bitchy?"

Wow, just wow. When I hear this sentence, I really only want to answer with my middle finger and I sincerely wish that all the people who say that so quickly, the pain, the discomfort, the bleeding, tiredness and whatever you do again a month as a woman for free, feel it. As if this was fun? As if we are in a bad mood because we want someone bad? As if we could choose. Of course, it is exhausting for those around us to deal with these caustic mood swings, but certainly not as caustic as it is for us. So: just turn on your brain and think about what this sentence actually implies.

Julia, editor

"Wait a minute, I'll be finished soon …"

Wow! The worst part of the stereotype is that unfortunately it is sometimes true. I have friends to whom I meanwhile (before Corona, of course) seriously presented the planned time to leave the apartment for half an hour. Or by video call, before I started, I checked the current styling status. As a precaution. Because when I wait or arrive late, my mood quickly gets very bad. But sometimes doesn't always mean. I know more women, myself included, who are super punctual and have perfectly acceptable bathroom times. Who, if it has to be quick, can leave the house in ten minutes. Showered, combed and dressed. And I know men who need more time in the bathroom and in front of the closet than any woman.

Anke, community editor

"You're only on hormones anyway"

Yes we are. Hormones influence so many processes in our bodies that it is hardly surprising that they also determine how we feel. But that's no reason not to take them seriously – on the contrary! Our emotions are just as real when we are dealing with PMS and anxiety and irritability as when we are ovulating and we are strong, confident and well-considered. The hormones are ours, we always have them, and we shouldn't apologize for them. Rather, we should learn to accept and understand them, after all, they regulate vital processes in our body.

Mareike, news editor

Everytime on Sundays

When my family got together for the weekly Sunday meal, it was a matter of course that grandma, mom and the daughters would carry the empty plates into the kitchen and bring them back the next course. After my grandmother had already spent half a Saturday in front of the stove to prepare the food. Not to mention the exuberant urge for compliments that my grandfather shows when he's peeled the potatoes. Once I got stuck between the starter and the main course. Just because. To see what happens. Requests to help out, comments like "What's that supposed to do" and constant eye rolls were the result. And that in the 21st century.

Charlotte, volunteer

"Women have no sense of direction"

This prejudice really upsets me, not only when you're in a group and have to find your way around a new city, for example. Men often fluff themselves up and play heroic scouts – no, they usually tease us with it. A study by the University of Edinburgh shows that women only memorize landmarks, for example striking buildings, when orienting themselves – men, on the other hand, include direction and distance. So you can actually orientate yourself a little better. However, this only applies to a large room (as was the case back then when hunting), whereas women can find their way around better in small, closed rooms.

But now comes the kicker: This difference is evolutionary and cycle-dependent (!). Yes, you read that right. During menstruation, the testosterone level in women is higher than ever, so we can orientate ourselves just as well as our male cronies. If the dear man teases us with this restriction, that is something of the wrong. After all, nobody can do anything for Mother Nature's regulations. Short counterpart: chronic laziness in the household is not caused by hormones – and studies show that it is quite common among men.

Laura, working student