This feminine first name in M, from this new film just released in cinemas, is one of the most popular in the world

This first name in M ​​is a derivative of the very famous first name Marie and is the title of this new film, released in theaters this Wednesday. Very old, this first name is very popular to the point that it is in the top 100 of the most popular first names in recent years.

This female first name is one of the most donated in the world according to the Forebears website. Derived from the religious first name Marie, this M-shaped first name is very appreciated for its length. 5 letters long, it is easy to pronounce all over the world. Very popular, we also find this feminine nickname almost everywhere in Europe which makes this first name a global first name. In France, this beautiful first name is mainly used in the south; in Occitania, Corsica and the Basque Country. Considered an old first name, this first name has a dazzling success at the beginning of the 20th century so much so that it is the 11th most popular first name in France during the 1900s.

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Decades later, this feminine first name is still as popular as ever and is not about to decline. Its highest year remains 1901 with more than 4000 births recorded. Very appreciated, the first name Maria is also the title of this new biopic which has just been released in cinemas. This film highlights the life of French actress, Maria Schneider, played by the talented Anamaria Vartolomei. Just one more successful first name, the first name Maria is a timeless first name which crosses the ages with elegance.

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What does this first name mean?

This first name is a derivative of the first name Marie. It takes its origin from the Sainte Marie, the mother of Jesus. According to a legend, angels came to collect the body of the deceased, when she died, in order to transport her resurrected body to the heavens. The first name Maria is so popular that it dethrones its equivalent in the 19th century. Very common, it is widely used in Europeparticularly in Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

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This first name comes from Aramaic and is close to the terms “myriam” and “maryam” which gave rise to the first name Myriam, the sister of Moses. This beautiful female name has several meanings. It refers both to the word “bitterness”, from the Hebrew language, and the term “loved” in ancient Egyptian. It is also common to hear that its meaning refers to “drops of the sea”. It is a very popular first name in Judeo-Christian culture, which can be explained by its religious connotation and the fact that it is close to the Virgin Mary. There are multiple variations of this first name such as Myria, Maroua, Mari or even Mariah.

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Who are the Marias?

The Marias are women fundamentally kind. They are constantly in a good mood and exude the joy of living. Their goal is to transmit their joy of living to others and to help those who are feeling gloomy. They are very good at consoling and advising others. They are patients And very attentive and will guide you in the right direction. Marias are selfless women who draw their energy from the good humor and smiles of others, so it is imperative that they surround themselves with cheerful people so that they can continue to shine.

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They are very people emotional And sensitive who feel everything intensely. When something happens unpredictably, it can quickly cause them anxiety and make them lose their mind. It is therefore important to help them put things into perspective and reassure them so that they can keep their heads on their shoulders and maintain this joy of life that characterizes them so much. As children, Marias need to engage in activities that help them gain self-confidence. Sport, music and even theater are perfect hobbies to help them emancipate themselves and reveal the light that characterizes them so much. The Marias are very affectionate and enjoy spending time with family. They are women who are content with little and who appreciate every moment spent with the people they love.

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