This first name in G of Italian origin, chosen by Rachel-Legrain Trapini for her son, is popular in 2024

This first name of Italian origin has seen its number almost double in the space of 3 years. What is it?

Find the first name of your future baby can be a real headache. Because if for some, the choice is obvious, for others, deciding on the first name that the child will have for the rest of their life can, on the contrary, be a source of stress, especially when there is a disagreement. But to avoid getting to that point, as parents you can take the lead and consult lists of first names, listen to films and music to find inspiration, and of course, look at trends.

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As such, there is a boy’s name that stands out in this year 2024. It is a first name of Italian origin. which has seen its number almost double in the space of 3 years, going from 281 births in 2018 to nearly 550 in 2021. Even celebrities borrow this first name for their offspring, and this is the case of Rachel-Legrain Trapini, Miss France 2007 who called her son with this first name.

What is this boy’s name that is popular in 2024?

In 1960, the popularity first name Gianni was 0. In 2021, the number of births displayed for this first name was 550 for the year, an exponential growth which is noticeable in two French departments in particular: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Haute-Saône .

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Gianni is a Hebrew first name, derived from “yohanân” which means “God is gracious”. A first name with Latin notes which gives rise to a very specific character. The Giannis are careful and attentive. Which in everyday life translates into a determined and conscientious personality. The Giannis like to have goals, and are bored in idleness, unlike the Oliviers, one of the rare first names of 2024. Which can also lead them to be severe towards themselves and demanding towards others . The symbols associated with this first name are blue color, the astrology sign Gemini, rock crystal as a precious stone or the number 11 as a lucky number. Finally, we celebrate the Giannis on June 24.

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A first name that has become popular

It is in 2020 where this first name is most successful, with 471 boys born. Today, Gianni is considered a classic first name, because it is worn by many little boys, 7,475 since 1950. Moreover, the son of the former Miss France Rachel-Legrain Trapini, now an influence with 388 k subscribers, actress and French television host, also bears this first name.

Born from the union between Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Aurélien Capouelittle Gianni is now 11 years old, and shares his mother with his little brother, named Andreaborn from the recent marriage of the ex-Miss France with Valentin Leonard which took place on June 14 in Normandy.

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