This French municipality adopts 10 weeks of paternity leave, compared to the 28 days in force

This is a first in France for a local authority, all municipal agents in this municipality in France will finally benefit from 10 weeks of paternity leave instead of the 28 days granted by law in France! A measure which must be voted on this Thursday, December 21, 2023 and which should be implemented from January 1, 2024!

Advancing gender equality? It’s a successful bet for this municipality. Indeed, this Thursday, December 21, 2023, the municipal council of the city of Lyon must vote for the establishment of paternity leave of 10 weeks against the 28 days granted at the national level. A “first for a local authority” In France ! If paternity leave has already been doubled in 2021 in France, and the government has introduced a reform of parental leave this year, it still remains much less important than our Spanish neighbors with their 16 weeks!

A decision taken by the environmentalist mayor of the city of Lyon, Gregory Doucet, who explains that “being able to share the load seemed obvious to us“. A measure therefore extended to 10 weeks for all municipal agents in the municipality which makes it possible to clearly advance equality between women and men, even if it “only concerns a limited number of people“. A decision which will surely generate additional costs for the municipality, but which the Lyon town hall assumes for “that society becomes more egalitarian“.

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Paternity leave: figures that speak volumes

While maternity leave is sixteen weeks in France, paternity leave is divided by four, offering 28 days upon the arrival of a newborn. Although it was still extended in 2021 with the aim of allowing fathers to get more involved, this is not enough for the elected officials of the city of Lyon. Indeed, a study by the General Directorate of Administration and the Civil Service revealed that only 65% ​​of fathers in 2021 had taken all of their leave.

This is one of the reasons why this measure received a unanimously favorable opinion from the staff representatives in the territorial committee. For the deputy mayor of Lyon, Laurent Bosetti, adopting such a measure will allow “fathers to fully invest in the pivotal period of caring for children, during which many things are at stake in terms of family organization, the distribution of domestic tasks and parent-child relationships.» It remains to be seen whether dads will benefit from it!

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