This heavy fine you risk if you make too much noise during sex

Cohabitation in an urban environment can sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations, particularly when it comes to excessive noise emanating from neighboring apartments. Among these noise nuisances, those linked to nocturnal sexual activity are not uncommon and can disturb the tranquility of others. How a simple noise during your intimate moments can lead to unexpected fines? What can you do to avoid disturbing the nighttime peace and quiet in your neighborhood?

Living in an apartment or condominium has advantagesbut also challenges, particularly in terms of noise management. Complaints for noise pollution are common and among them, those related to noise emitted during sexual intercourse are not rare. According to current legislation, any excessive noise between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. may be considered nighttime noise. But how can we best manage these delicate situations before they escalate? A first constructive step can be to discuss the problem openly with neighbors concerned. This direct approach can often resolve the problem without requiring outside intervention.

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If amicable discussion is not enough, and nighttime noise pollution persists, other options are possible. For tenants, a complaint to the landlord may be necessary. Landlords have an obligation to guarantee the tranquility of their tenants and can take action against those who break the rules. In a co-owned property, the trustee may be called upon to play a mediator role, recalling the rules of the internal regulations which prohibit such disturbances.

Legal remedies available for excessively noisy antics

When nuisances persist despite amicable approachesit may be necessary to appeal to more formal authorities. Contact the town hall or even considering mediation may be next steps. The role of the mayor in preserving public peace is crucial and a formal complaint can be filed if the problem persists.

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Before calling the police, mediators and justice conciliators can also offer solutions without going through legal measures. It is preferable to carry out a peaceful and fair resolution for both parties.

The risks of slanderous denunciation

However, taking legal action can be risky. Calling the police to report the nuisance can result in fines. for the authors of the noise. Ranging from 45 to 180 euros depending on the payment deadline. But bewarean unfounded complaint can be turned against you: the law severely punishes slanderous denunciation with risks of fines of up to 45,000 euros and the possibility of imprisonment. Before taking legal action for nighttime noise, it is therefore essential to have solid evidence, such as sound recordings, testimonies, or bailiff’s reports.

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This legal action should always be the last resort. Protracted conflicts and legal proceedings can not only deteriorate neighborhood relations, but also lead to unforeseen costs in terms of time and money. It is therefore crucial to weigh the potential consequences of such actions and opt for less confrontational solutions when possible.

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