this highly anticipated game is confirmed at launch!

The Nintendo Switch 2 could obviously welcome the highly anticipated new opus of a simply cult franchise. This will be a good reason for fans to check out.

The Nintendo Switch 2 continues to be the subject of all the rumors. An official confirmation from Big N? A release date? Don’t dream. All we can come up with are more or less reliable hypotheses or leaks. We hope we’ll know more this year, but in the meantime, we have a lot to be excited about. For good reason, the catalog of the new console will perhaps include a certain game from a famous license, and which is long overdue.

Persona 6 on Nintendo Switch 2?

The title in question is Persona 6. Fans of the franchise have been patient for many years, because it does not appear. Obviously, Atlus is keeping the secret tight. What if the sixth opus were to be released on Nintendo Switch 2? This is what Midori, a leaker who has often been right about the information he communicates about the Japanese studio’s plans, tells us. As a result, we can normally trust him. According to him, we will be dealing with a multiplatform game which will arrive, among other things, on this famous machine.

Generally speaking, Persona games have always been exclusive to PlayStation, much to the dismay of a few players. Fortunately, that’s starting to change, and we’ve seen other titles in the series land on Xbox or Nintendo Switch. That said, it didn’t happen one day, and overall, it’s the PS players who benefit from it before the rest of the troop. Would Persona 6 break this tradition by releasing Day One on the Switch 2? For the leaker, there is no doubt. This would clearly not be a refusal, even if, for the moment, we will avoid getting carried away too quickly.

Indeed, all of this should be taken with a grain of salt, as there has been no official confirmation from Atlus. However, the Nintendo Switch 2 catalog will still have to be well stocked. Having Persona 6 in its ranks could therefore be a major argument, especially given the popularity of 5. It was a huge hit which even popularized the license. In the meantime, you can embark on the remake of 3. It will be perfect to help you wait, especially since it will offer a big DLC ​​in September 2024.

A big change coming for the franchise?

At this point in the article, you must have understood that we know almost nothing about Persona 6. As long as we don’t have an announcement, we will be in total limbo, including with regard to its coming to Nintendo Switch 2. But what do the rumors tell us? The latest comes to us from Head on the Block, a renowned user on ResetEra. For him, the action of the game will take place in a high school. So far, nothing surprising, but he suggests that exploration will be even more advanced thanks to a semi-open world structure. In addition, the social bonds formed with other characters will surely experience big changes.

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