This Hilarious Mod Allows Twich Users to Play as Any NPC

Skyrim, the famous RPG from Bethesda, is known for its avalanche of mods available to personalize its experience. Blurbs, a former software developer turned Twitch streamer, has just created a hilarious mod. Thanks to him, his viewers can double the NPCs in the game. Enough to create crazy situations.

skyrim mod npc
Capture Blurbs on X

Like a certain GTA 5, Skyrim is one of those games that still enjoys extraordinary popularity today., almost 13 years after its initial launch in 2011 on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. As you probably know, Bethesda’s cult RPG has had the right to numerous recyclingswith a remastered version in 2016 on PS4 and Xbox One, then a version on Nintendo Switch in 2017.

And to celebrate its 10th anniversary, the title finally landed on PS5 and Xbox Series X in November 2021. But of course, Skyrim owes this longevity to the involvement of its community in creating mods. Currently, players can enjoy hundreds and hundreds of mods to customize the game however they want.

Blurbs, a former software developer turned Twitch streamer, decided to make a contribution. During the weekend of April 26, the content creator indulged in a bit of teasing on X by announcing the live presentation of his very first mod for Skyrim.My first mod, for Skyrim, was never made to my knowledge. The first stream is a test, some things will break, but you won’t want to miss it“, he wrote on the social network.

Also read: Skyrim – thanks to facial reconstruction, we know what the skeletons in the game look like in real life

This mod allows Twitch viewers to voice NPCs on Skyrim

But what is this mod then? To summarize, this mod allows Blurbs viewers to use voice synthesis to voice the NPCs in the game. In other words, viewers write lines in Twitch chat, and NPCs speak them. The mod goes even further by supporting lip movements and real-time subtitle display.

As you can imagine, leaving control of the dialogue to the spectators opens the door to all the hilarious stupidities. Proof of this is when the streamer talks to a child who simply responds: “Hey man, do you want drugs?!” We will spare you other, more serious examples, but the spectators had a blast. The icing on the cake is that if an NPC played by a viewer dies at the hands of Blurbs, the viewer is banned from the chat for 5 minutes!

Unfortunately, if you are looking to download this mod, this will not be possible. Due to its complexity, Blurbs does not plan to broadcast it at the moment.For this to work, you need multiple programs running together. Honestly, I doubt I’ll be able to present it as an all-in-one mod and release it. However, I will soon release a YouTube video with the resources I used to make it,” he declared to our colleagues at the Kotaku site.

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