this historic rule of the royal family that Kate Middleton’s husband has just broken

During an outing in Cornwall this Thursday, May 9, Prince William broke a rule of protocol which is still applied by members of the royal family. Which one is it?

For several months, Prince William has faced several difficulties. Indeed, the royal family is in turmoil since the announcement of the cancers of King Charles III and the Princess of Wales . As a reminder, the two members of the royal family were hospitalized last January and chose to be transparent by revealing information regarding their state of health to the British people.

If Buckingham Palace announced the king’s illness through a press release last February, it was the Princess of Wales who explained what she was suffering from in a video revealed to the media and on social networks on March 22.

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Prince William’s life turned upside down

Since the announcement of these events, the craziest rumors about members of the royal family are propagated. Prince William and Queen Camilla strive to support their respective spouses and accompany them in their caregiving process, while carrying out their royal duties. It should be noted that although the king is being monitored medically, his royal schedule remains busy. Prince William, father of three, also brought his support for his wife after the “photogate”. The Princess of Wales shared a photo in which she appeared with her children on March 10, on the occasion of English Mother’s Day.

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However, this turned out to be retouched. Faced with controversies, Kate Middleton apologized by press release. The attention paid to his wife by the media had worried the son of King Charles III. However, he was touched by the words of support expressed by the population and declared at a charity party: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you as well for the kind messages of support sent to Catherine and my father, especially in recent days. This means a lot to all of us”had relayed People.

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This rule of protocol broken by Prince William

Despite the turmoil, Prince William remains strong and strives to fulfill his royal duty while applying the rule of conduct adopted by the royal family for decades: “Never complain, never explainin French)”. Rule broken several times by his brother, Prince Harry, these last years. This Thursday, May 9, the eldest son of King Charles III was present on a beach in Cornwall.

He greeted the crowd who had come to see him. And during his visit, he… signed the cast of a young boy. The Prince of Wales is said to have told the lucky one: “Shh, don’t tell anyone. I’m not supposed to do this!”. However, this practice is never carried out by members of the royal family. Their signature could potentially be imitated after such an act, reported Cosmopolitan. Let’s hope that having signed this boy’s cast will have no consequences for Prince William.

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