this hopeful message from her friends

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After years of research, the entourage is determined to clarify the circumstances of this disappearance. This week, friends of Delphine Jubillar announced the resumption of research for the young woman. A message full of hope.

Where is Delphine Jubillar? The young woman has been missing since December 16, 2020. The facts occurred in Cagnac les mines, in the Tarn, where the nurse has not given any sign of life since that day. Despite the important means to try to find the young woman, no clue has yet allowed the investigators to discover what happened to her. The main suspect in this case, Cédric Jubillar, the young woman’s spouse, was arrested for “intentional spousal homicide” on June 18, 2021.

This Tuesday, March 14, 2023, when the suspect’s lawyers again asked for his release, Delphine Jubillar’s friends shared a hopeful message on social networks. If the mystery of the disappearance of their friend remains whole, the entourage of the nurse has not given up. On the contrary, her friends are determined to get answers about this strange disappearance. On the beach Facebook dedicated to the research of Delphine Jubillar, they launched an appeal this Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

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Unwavering determination

The entourage of the young woman does not lose hope and continues to be present on the ground to find the trace of Delphine Jubillar. “We will be on the pitch every day from Sunday”, they announced on Facebook. And to add:We will continue as we have been doing for more than 2 years, with our little means, our little feet, but above all with the strength of our hearts.”. Determined not to give up, the young woman’s friends took advantage of this statement to “thank the people who, behind the scenes, also continued the research”. A statement that did not fail to generate a wave of support in the comments.

Indeed, many Internet users have expressed their support in reaction to the message shared on the social network. Created some time after the death of Delphine Jubillar, this group Facebook is a space dedicated to sharing information relating to the survey. It is here that the friends of the young woman keep Internet users informed of the progress of the investigations. “This group gives us strength every day, lifts us up, and allows us not to give up even if the fight is hard”, said the relatives of the young woman. A statement concluded with a usual appeal not to give up and to encourage “support to fight alongside us so that truth and justice are returned to Delphine, Louis and Elyah”.

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