this huge mistake that you are probably making, not to commit again


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Bleach is still widely used to disinfect the house. Here’s the mistake you’re probably making, and it should be banished.

I’bleach is used to strip the house, especially during spring cleaning. But it must be used with precaution because it is not without danger for the Man and the animals. Indeed, it is a mixture of water and sodium hypochlorite. It is particularly used to descale toilets and to disinfect surfaces. If it succeeds in eliminating many bacteria and viruses, its use is more dangerous than that of other products.

Of the many possible mistakes when using bleach, this is perhaps the most common: thinking that she is ideal for cleaning her home. Yes, you read that right. It is made to disinfect and not to clean! The difference ? A cleaning product contains surfactants which give it its cleaning properties which allow it to remove dirt. A disinfectant does not attack dirt, but bacteria and viruses. This is why bleach is perfect for disinfecting surfaces after washing them, such as your toilet for example.

Read also: Household: the easy and inexpensive trick to clean traces of oxidation

What can I substitute for bleach?

If bleach is a very effective disinfectant, it is not trivial for health and the environment. So many people want to find an alternative. The best ? white vinegar or mixture of white vinegar and baking soda. Perfect for cleaning all surfaces! Effective and 100% natural, these two products work miracles and are not subject to special precautions such as bleach. We simply avoid swallowing it, splashes on the skin and in the eyes…

Maude loves to deal with practical subjects, whether they relate to psychology, sex, well-being, and even astro. She also deciphers new fashion trends. She takes …

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