This impressive video shows what we see in Apple’s Vision Pro

Apple has just released a 10-minute video. The objective: to present, in a simple and educational way, the Vision Pro, its brand new product. This allows you to show what you see in the headset. And the least we can say is that its mixed reality headset (or spatial computer) is clearly a dream. But be careful, it doesn’t seem perfect yet.

The Apple Vision Pro, the famous spatial computer as the Cupertino company calls it, is a mixed reality headset. Its marketing has just started in the United States, with stock out of stock in less than 30 minutes. It is rumored that 60 to 80,000 units would have found buyers, with an entry price set at $3,499… excluding taxes.

A 10-minute video made in Apple

The first deliveries are scheduled from February 2, 2024. In the meantime, Apple has posted a few videos online to whet your appetite and show the capabilities of its new product. This happens directly on the manufacturer’s website, in a “ guided tour“specially created for the occasion.

There is then an interactive video lasting around 10 minutes, which shows the different uses possible with the Vision Pro. It is aimed at future owners of Apple headphones as well as interested or simply curious customers.

Apple then shows certain key functions, such as watching a film, sharing a screen with a MacBook, making a video call with FaceTime, or even navigating the Vision Pro interface. This is done using voice, gaze and gestures.

A perfect product, really?

With this video, Apple gives the impression that its product is perfect. The two protagonists are of course cheerful in the face of this mixed reality headset, which promises, according to the firm, to revolutionize computing. We will now have to wait for the first real tests to form a more objective opinion.

Remember that the American press has already been able to test the product, but under very specific conditions, with the ban on taking their own photos. As for example at The Verge Or Digital Trends. The various journalists speak of a stunning experience, in particular thanks to the very high definition screens and the ultra-responsive interface of the Vision Pro. But the weight of the machine is one of the most common complaints.

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