This is how over 60 crypto experts assess the market situation

Once a quarter we ask leading crypto industry experts questions about their assessment of the market situation, which are summarized in our BTC-ECHO Insider Report. What’s special: Based on the participants’ assessments, we calculate the crypto expert index, which provides information about the sentiment of the professionals. We also ask a question about a current issue affecting the sector.

After Bitcoin ETFs: Are institutional investors already more dominant than retail investors?

In view of the crypto adoption on Wall Street, the question arises more than ever as to which group of actors can exert greater influence on the prices of Bitcoin and Co. Accordingly, we wanted to know from the insiders whether private investors or institutional investors have the upper hand in the crypto market. To say the least, it’s complicated. Our experts explain why in the Insider Report.

However, market expectations for the next six months are less complicated. Some insiders even dare to make a Bitcoin price forecast.

If you want to know what the leading minds at banks, asset managers, universities, associations and crypto start-ups think about the crypto market, you can access the BTC-ECHO Insider Report here for free.

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