This is how we learn to be proud without feeling bragging

Do it right!
This is how we learn to be proud without feeling bragging

© VectorMine / Adobe Stock

“Nobody likes show-offs!” We all grew up with these or similar sayings. Anyone who boasts too much and adorns himself with his own successes quickly appears aloof and unsympathetic to others. But is bragging really that bad?

Especially in the work environment, it is reluctant to hear colleagues or even the boss raving about their own successes. Of course one is happy when others achieve their goals, but the person can quickly come across as arrogant and self-centered. Sometimes it can even do us good to show pride in our successes! At least if you do it right.

Why can it be good to talk about your achievements?

We can certainly learn one or two things from show-offs. Because bragging doesn’t always have to have something to do with the fact that you make others look worse. Let’s take “showing off” at its word: There’s nothing wrong with just “showing off” what you’ve achieved. Above all, this can have positive effects on self-esteem. It is not without reason that many show-offs radiate great self-confidence.

Talking about it with friends and acquaintances and being happy when you have achieved something great shows you what skills and strengths you have. If other people are happy for you too, all the better! A small dose of recognition is good for self-esteem and keeps you motivated.

It can also benefit you at work if you talk about your successfully completed project, for example. We are often so busy with all the things and tasks that need to be done that you are hardly aware of what other colleagues are doing. Telling your boss about a success can give you the appreciation that sometimes gets lost in the stress of everyday work. After all, your supervisor will also be happy when things are going well.

Don’t be shy and be proud of what you do!

How do I show off correctly to boost my self-confidence?

1. Stick to the truth

It actually goes without saying, but you should make sure when telling the story that your small success stays what it is. Lies are quickly exposed, which is why you should also avoid heroic embellishments.

2. Shared success: We made it!

When you and your colleagues achieve something, it’s a great way to celebrate as a team! Anyone who has contributed to the achievement of the goal should be given credit for it. So don’t forget the others and rejoice everyone!

3. Demand recognition correctly

Ask your team or your boss how best to communicate successes, for example in a personal conversation or by email. Maybe you also have a list in which everyone can see what the others have achieved. Especially if you work a lot in the home office, it can quickly happen that the value of your work is overlooked.

4. The right dose

Share your successes at the right moments, because in inappropriate situations it can be misunderstood or lost. If someone asks you how things are going for you, you can report a positive experience without being obsessive. Here you can also ask counter-questions and let the other person report on the goals they have achieved, so everyone feels seen.

5. Tell friends and family

In the end, our closest ones are the ones who rejoice with us. So call your best friend, mother or cousin and invite them to celebrate with you, maybe they have something to tell too!

So: Show those around you what you’re doing and that you’re good at it, because that’s the only way you’ll get the recognition you deserve.

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