This is how you have great children

These groundbreaking studies help us parents raise children better. And: what the nappy contents have to do with intelligence.

If our children behave differently than we imagine, it can of course be temperament, character or just a tantrum. Or?

When it comes to raising children, researchers have now proven what we in some cases already suspected: a lot depends on the behavior and upbringing of the parents. Or simply on the diaper contents. The decisive and in some cases groundbreaking studies are compiled on The most important findings are:

When parents hang on to their smartphones frequently, children are more prone to tantrums

Brandon McDaniel, professor of family benefits and Jenny Radesky, doctor and professor of pediatrics (University of Michigan), manage to attribute supposedly bad behavior of children to smartphone use by their parents. Accordingly, children whose parents are constantly distracted from checking e-mails, typing messages and using social media when they are together are more prone to tantrums, hypersensitivity, hyperactivity and whining.

Over 200 families were observed. The children try to compete for attention with their parents' smartphones. Therefore, the smartphone should be banished to another room or switched off when spending time with the children. The long-term effect of real attention pays off in the end more than the quick success of using a smartphone.

Children have to fail sometimes

Parents shouldn't jump in right away to help children with anything that may not be possible. And don't distract them when they are annoyed by failures and mistakes! Because the experience of failure is very important to them, prove Noelle Nelson, Selin Malkoc and Baba Shiv from Ohio State University. And that's why they have to deal with it.

Only then will you be less likely to repeat these mistakes and experiencing negative feelings will help you on your life path. This is why the experts advise setting a good example and showing your own disappointments openly. Of course, parents should also do this in an exemplary manner! Don't scream, swear or curse, please.

Childhood violence makes violent partners

The fact that beaten children also become aggressive adults has often been a sad result of many studies. Jeffrey Temple, Professor of Women's and Child Achievement, University of Texas, and his colleagues can also demonstrate that bringing up children free of violence also reduces violence between lovers later on.

Less colic in newborns with help from partner

More than 3000 families participated and it is actually true! If the partner gives more support to the mother after the baby is born, the baby will have fewer colic symptoms. Chandran Paul Alexander, professor of paediatrics at Penn State, has shown this with colleagues. Babies from such equal partnerships develop much healthier. And another exciting side effect: Happy wife, happy life!

Tolerance can be learned

If children learn that not all people are outwardly the same and that they do not have to be, they would later "generalize about groups of people" less and thus be less racist. At least that's what Gail Heyman, professor of psychology at University College San Diego, says.

In a study with more than 100 Chinese children, he and his research team prove that racist prejudice can be broken down if five-year-old children are taught to distinguish the faces of Afro-American people. This can supposedly save them from later intolerance.

The diaper content is an IQ test result

According to the latest studies, a simple-minded intestinal flora also means more intelligent children. This is what researchers working with Rebecca Knickmeyer, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, found out. Supposedly, later cognitive developments can be predicted from microbial communities in the excretions. Aha. So more respect for the diaper contents!

And more respect for the dignity of children, lots of love and spending as much valuable time as possible together. We should know that even without studies.