This is the best game about the First World War

Released in 2022, we wanted to offer you a test of Isonzo two years later, in order to see what the title was doing with its new content and updates. This FPS, a little unusual due to its subject (the First World War), takes the challenge of representing a realistic vision of the conflict, far from what we were able to see at the time with Battlefield 1, so as not to quote him. Considered far too arcade by many. Now, Insonzo is often cited as an example as one of the best games about the First World War, what is it really?

Isonzo, developed by BlackMill Games, is the latest and most authentic version of their World War I game series. Isonzo clearly distinguishes himself from his predecessors Verdun and Tannenberg thanks to his more advanced and tactical approach to trench warfare. This tactical FPS focuses on the twelve historic battles that took place between Austro-Hungarian and Italian forces during the Isonzo Campaign, spanning from June 1915 to November 1917. This campaign, often overlooked in popular media in the benefiting from the more typical Western Front, nevertheless offers a unique setting for Isonzo, marked by mountainous and rugged terrain which greatly influences the dynamics of the game.

Point Histoire, what is the plot?

For those who like to have precise details before launching into the game, know that the setting of this FPS is simply exciting. It is precisely because the development studio made the risky choice of looking at historical facts that are rarely present in popular culture, and even less in video games, that it is ultimately so unique. Between June 1915 and November 1917, the banks of the Isonzo River, today located between Italy and Slovenia, were the scene of twelve bloody battles between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. These battles represent a period of intense combat, marked by Italian territorial ambitions and the fierce resistance of Austro-Hungarian forces.

Italy, having joined the Entente in 1915 after breaking its alliances with the Central Powers, aimed to expand its borders to the north and secure control of territories inhabited by Italians but part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main objectives were the city of Trieste, the Carso plateau and the Isonzo valley. The strategic importance of these areas lay in their geographical position which provided crucial control over the Adriatic and land routes to the heart of Austria-Hungary.

The rugged mountainous terrain of the Isonzo region added significant complexity to military operations, an element which is superbly captured in Isonzo. Italian forces, often in offensive positions, had to overcome dizzying heights and narrow valleys, while confronting extreme weather conditions that made advances even more perilous. The Austro-Hungarian troops, although outnumbered in many cases, benefited from strongly fortified defensive positions on the high ground, which allowed them to effectively repel Italian assaults. You already see all the potential that a multiplayer game can give in this context…

A multiplayer FPS, what else?

Isonzo is therefore primarily designed for online multiplayer. Offering players the opportunity to compete in various historical clashes set in the Isonzo region of Italy. The game also includes a mode in which players can battle AI-controlled bots. Although the experience is optimized for playing against other players due to the limitations of the AI, which often does not deploy effective flanking tactics.

Isonzo’s major innovation compared to its predecessors lies in its exploitation of the unique topography of the theater of operations. Players must adapt their strategies depending on the verticality of the terrain (mountains), making attacks more complex and defense potentially more advantageous thanks to the elevated position. This aspect adds a strategic layer, where taking enemy territory and destroying key targets unlocks new parts of the map and new objectives.


A class system that works well in Isonzo

The game also stands out for its class system, which includes six different archetypes such as Sniper, Officer, Engineer, Mountaineer, Rifleman, and Assault. Each class makes a specific and essential contribution to the war effort, emphasizing the importance of team composition in achieving victory. The Mountaineer and Engineer classes, for example, add significant additional depth. The Mountaineer, equipped with binoculars, allows you to spot enemies at long distances and has a canteen which, when used, offers temporarily unlimited endurance, ideal for carrying out rapid assaults.

The Engineer, meanwhile, takes full advantage of the game’s new construction system. Capable of crossing barbed wire and establishing fortifications and weaponry at double the speed. While benefiting from a speed bonus when placing and neutralizing explosive charges. Officer players can also use tactics such as artillery bombardments, airstrikes, and poison gas attacks, requiring careful resource management and strategic planning to break enemy lines. It’s remarkably clever. And while it’s not necessarily new in an FPS, it brings a real freshness to this FPS saga about the First World War.


A game full of details

Each class has its own design style. With ultra-precise research of uniforms and weapons, down to the smallest detail. The uniforms of Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers are reproduced with particular attention, including iconic weapons such as the Austro-Hungarian Roth-Steyr M1907 pistol and the Italian Carcano M1891 rifle, as well as the magnificent Beretta Modello 1915. Every aspect of the game was designed to pay homage to this often overlooked conflict. This is even found in the mechanics of weapons, and their functioning. A real little self-visual delight. Perfect to make the little hearts of budding or experienced historians beat faster.

It’s beautiful despite some technical errors

Historical research is accompanied by remarkable technical quality. On PC, the game is very beautiful, and the console version, especially on PS5, is not far behind. Isonzo takes full advantage of the hardware capabilities of the latest generation consoles, displaying significantly improved character model details and increased environmental complexity compared to its predecessors Verdun and Tannenberg. Building interiors are varied and more detailed, which is a marked improvement over previous entries in the series. We also note a lot of work on the lighting effects. Which really allow you to cross very immersive battlefields.

On the technical side, the game benefits from a considerable improvement in sound, with much improved environmental sound effects and weapons having a realistic and powerful sound impact. However, despite these advancements, Isonzo sometimes suffers from uneven performance during busy battles and some occasionally clunky animations, reflecting the budget constraints of an indie title. It’s hard to have it both ways. Concessions had to be made and it is quite difficult in these conditions to obtain technical flawlessness with an independent studio. Sometimes, the animations lack a little refinement. This is how…

A game that has improved a lot since 2022

The years go by and Isonzo improves, as you might expect. The game received several updates and expansions that enriched the gaming experience with new content, both free and paid. Ascent mode is a notable addition to the game, which was made accessible during the period of our TEST. This is a climbing-based game mode, where players use pickaxes to climb steep mountains, offering a daring and never-before-seen way of high-altitude assault. It’s really exhilarating, although the falls are numerous (and fatal). This can lead to some good vocal laughs with friends. We loved it.

In late 2022, several months after launch, the game also benefited from the White War expansion and Isonzo’s Below Zero cosmetic packs. Marking a significant evolution in the representation of the theater of Alpine operations during the First World War. This update introduced a set of new maps immersing players in snowy landscapes and more mountainous environments, providing not only visual variety but also increased tactical challenges due to the topography and extreme weather conditions. In short, extreme verticality of the maps.

And that’s not all

The Below Zero packs, which accompany the White War expansion, enrich the customization aspect of the game. They include historically accurate outfits suitable for combat in freezing conditions, with fur-lined coats, fitted jackets, and even ski uniforms. These elements are not just aesthetic; they also reflect the real adaptations of the armies to the difficult conditions of the Alpine fronts. Additionally, these packs add a range of secondary equipment such as goggles, pipes and various types of headgear, increasing immersion in the historical details of the conflict.

In short, the BlackMill Games studio has not skimped on the means to make its game more attractive in the long term. If the game could suffer from a cruel lack of content during its release, it is clear that everything was quickly sorted out and that at present (April 2024), Isonzo is surely the First World War FPS most successful on the market. And it’s not nothing.

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