This is the best trick against burnout

If you constantly feel that you are overwhelmed with everything, it is time to switch off – otherwise there is a risk of burnout. This simple trick helps!

The boss is annoying, at home there is trouble with the partner and then the child also gets sick: Sometimes in everyday life we ​​hardly know where our heads are. We run through life at constant pace and completely forget that you have to pause and come to rest. Because who can stand being in the fast lane permanently? If you feel drained all the time and can no longer switch off, it is high time to do something. Because if you go on like this, it may well be that you soon slip into a burnout. Tip: We have compiled burnout symptoms here.

So the burnout has no chance

Fortunately, there is a really easy and free way to lower your stress levels: Go for a walk in nature more often! Many studies show that it is not only good for the body, but also for the soul, if you are out and about in nature on a regular basis. Would you like some examples?

  • Japanese researchers divided their study subjects into two groups – one of them was supposed to go for a walk in the forest, the other in the city. Various stress indicators were measured before and after the excursion. Conclusion The group that was out in the forest had a significantly lower level of the stress hormone cortisol compared to the other group, lower pulse and blood pressure values ​​and less stress-related activity of the nerves.
  • American scientists from Stanford University came up with a similar result in a comparable test: yours Study participants were more relaxed after a 90-minute walk in nature than those who had been out and about in the city. In addition, the activity of areas of the brain that are activated during anxiety and depression was lower in the nature group.

Get creative

Another advantage: A study by scientists from the University of Michigan shows that nature improves our creativity and thinking. And nature provides different stimuli in the brain than the city – which in turn is pure relaxation for the areas of the brain that are otherwise under constant fire.

Walking barefoot is good for body and mind. In Lower Saxony there are a lot of wonderful hiking trails that are suitable for adventures without shoes


Practical tips for spending time outdoors

Do you want to start walking right away and take a walk in the forest? OK then! So that you can make the most of the positive effects of nature, here are a few tips:

  • Take some time every week to enjoy nature. This can be a walk, but a picnic by the lake is also an option.
  • Use your vacation to spend time outdoors – for example, take a trip to the mountains or use hiking trails.
  • If you are out and about in nature, also focus on these – electronic devices should be switched off as much as possible in this me-time.

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