This is THE essential quality to make a friendship last, according to a psychologist

An American doctor shares the key secret to maintaining lasting friendships. Discover the crucial factor for lasting relationships.

In our quest for fulfilling and lasting social relationships, a fundamental principle emerges, highlighted by George S. Everly, a renowned American psychologist. The keystone of lasting relationships, according to his research, lies in a simple but profoundly impactful quality: reliability.

Everly, in her contributions to “Psychology Today,” emphasizes trustworthiness as the foundation of strong, lasting bonds. This quality, he says, is like the cement that consolidates and maintains the integrity of any relationship, whether friendly, professional or family. Reliability reflects our ability to value and respect our commitments. By keeping our promises, we demonstrate not only our respect for others but also our maturity and dignity. This approach builds trust and security within our relationships.

Conversely, lack of reliability can be detrimental. It can be seen as a sign of selfishness, inconstancy, or even dishonesty. This negative perception can make others hesitate to trust us or entrust us with responsibilities, which can ultimately weaken or even break the relationship.

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Building and Maintaining Reliability

So how can we cultivate and maintain this essential quality of trustworthiness in our daily interactions? Everly offers several practical strategies. First of all, it is crucial to keep our promises. This simple but powerful action sends a clear message about our integrity and commitment to others. Next, Everly points out the importance of honesty, both with others and with ourselves. It encourages taking responsibility for our actions and being transparent, especially when it comes to acknowledging and rectifying our mistakes.

Moreover, the psychologist emphasizes the importance of constructive criticism. Rather than focusing on flaws or mistakes, it’s about directing conversations toward avenues of improvement and mutual growth. This approach strengthens the linkscreates an environment of learning and mutual support, and consolidates the perception of reliability.

Current journalist

A fashionista at heart, Dora has always dreamed of writing for fashion. After having accomplished her dream and much more, she redirects herself towards current affairs, whether celebrity,…

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