This is the month parents find most depressing according to a recent study

More and more people are talking about this fairly widespread phenomenon, Blue Monday. If we already know this most depressing day of the year, a study has just revealed that there is also a month considered the most depressing by parents! We tell you everything!

You must have already noticed that your mood tends to fluctuate depending on several parameters, bad weather, stress, fatigue… the causes can be numerous. A recent study has just highlighted that seasonality could also be a parameter to take into account when we talk about gray faces and bad moods. If travel agencies and other sellers of dreams have already appropriated what we call Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, they will have even more to do with the results of this new study awarding the prize of most depressing month for parents.

We can indeed agree that certain times of the year are more conducive to cheerfulness, spring for example with the return of fine weather and buds in flower or even summer and its coconut trees. But then what would really be this most depressing month from the point of view of these fathers and mothers? It is the leading market research and survey group, Ipsos, which has just revealed the results of a survey carried out for Even, a dating site for single parents, which finally provides us with the answer!

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The trophy for the most depressing month goes to…

Carried out in September 2023, the survey brought together the responses of nearly 1,000 single or couple parents living in France and having at least one dependent child. A survey which revealed that almost 25% of respondents on average awarded the prize for the most depressing month to… November! A result split in this way: 31% of parents in blended families, 25% of parents in a couple and finally 20% of those who are single. Then come the months of January and September in second and third place.

If the study does not provide the reasons for this depression, we can assume that it is due to the drop in temperatures, the days which shorten with the time change, as well as bad days and the return of small colds. and other winter diseases. So come on, let’s get moving and enjoy the beautiful days that this month of November promises us!

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