this is what happens to the author of the joke with 15 million views

In 2017, Adrien, 8 years old, became a star on social networks after the broadcast of a viral video in which he made the famous joke “What is yellow and who is waiting? Jonathan!”. Six years later, this is what the little boy has become.

Even six years later, everyone remembers his intention and his fervor to make a simple joke! In 2017, Adrien, an eight-year-old boy, became a star on social media after a simple riddle to his big cousin. “What’s yellow and waiting?” the little boy had simply asked his cousin who was filming him at that moment with his smartphone.

Faced with the lack of response, Adrien then responded with disdain: “Jonathan!” The attitude and hilarious intonation of the little boy were then enough to kill millions of Internet users. The video that went viral was also viewed more than 15 million times since it was put online, enough to prove that this riddle found in a Carambar has literally become cult throughout the country.

“What’s yellow and waiting?” : Adrien is 14 years old today, is he still famous?

Having become famous in spite of himself, Adrien, thanks in particular to the help of his mother, subsequently participated in several digital projects and televised. He and his twin brother named Jules launched a page Facebook baptized “Twinsmatic” on which they published several hilarious contents until 2020.

Sometimes when I scold him I can’t get through to the end because he makes me laugh. We have lots of other videos of him, but I don’t know yet if we will release them, it will depend on how events turn out. And he’s only eight years old.” commented his mother Setty.

If Setty François appeared in the show Tous en cuisine on M6, surrounded by her two sons, we see that Adrien, who is 14 years old today, has fallen back into anonymity. There is no doubt that with his ease in making people laugh, we have certainly not finished hearing about him and a return to the forefront is perhaps to be considered, once he has finished his studies.

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