This is what happens to your body when you drink a sip of apple cider vinegar every day

A natural all-rounder
What happens to your body when you drink apple cider vinegar every day

If you want to be beautiful … you could drink apple cider vinegar, for example: you can see why and how it can support your skin, hair and digestion in the video.


It’s no secret that apples are healthy – and the same goes for apple cider vinegar. We tell you what can happen to your body if you drink a sip of it every day.

Apple cider vinegar is slowly but surely becoming the absolute superfood! Because the sister of normal vinegar, with which you can work wonders in the garden, for example, has some health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar: This is what makes it so healthy

Logically, there are apples in apple cider vinegar. And they bring a lot of nutrients with them. Due to the fermentation process, apple cider vinegar also contains minerals, vitamins, trace elements and, and, and. It not only contains calcium, iron and magnesium, but also sodium, selenium and zinc. Quite a few reasons to take a closer look.

Before you drink apple cider vinegar, note that while it’s a weak acid, it’s an acid — and can irritate your mucous membranes and digestive tract if you drink it pure. For a healthy apple cider vinegar drink you need:

  • cold or lukewarm water
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • a teaspoon of honey (optional)

Admittedly, the taste of this drink takes some getting used to. But maybe it will help if you watch our video while drinking and see how apple cider vinegar can support your skin, hair and digestion. Bottom up!

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