This is what wrinkles on your face reveal about your health

Sooner or later every woman has to struggle with one or the other wrinkle on her face. Here we explain what they say about your health.

Whether on the forehead, around the eyes or on the chin – sooner or later, smaller and larger wrinkles form on every woman's face. But they are not just visible signs that we are getting older, but also tell us a lot about our state of health. We reveal which wrinkles on the face can cause which possible physical complaints:

Forehead wrinkles

Sure, if you constantly frown, you will get a clearly visible wrinkle there relatively quickly. However, according to Emma Hobson of the International Dermal Institute, you should pay attention to fine wrinkles in the upper forehead area. Because this is connected to the bladder and the stomach – Forehead wrinkles can therefore indicate problems in these areas. Wrinkles in the lower forehead area can also be a sign of food allergies – they are often accompanied by pimples and rashes.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Small laugh lines around the eyes are something beautiful. And they can be easily identified: if they get deeper when the eyes are laughing, everything is fine. However, the eyes are also closely linked to the liver. Wrinkles that do not come from laughter and permanent dark circles under the eyes therefore indicate that the liver is overloaded. For example, an unhealthy diet or too much alcohol can be responsible for this. Puffy eyes are also a possible signal of an omega 3 fatty acid deficiency, kidney problems or high blood pressure.

Tip: If it is just a sign of age, you can add a suitable one if necessary serum or one Anti aging face cream treat or prevent.

Wrinkles around the mouth or chin

The region around the mouth is also connected to our digestive tract. Deep wrinkles between the nose and chin could represent indigestion. Small wrinkles that surround the lips are often a sign of the onset of menopause. In order to contain them, the mouth area now needs particularly careful facial care. Another factor: Smoking can generally deepen wrinkles – if you want smooth facial skin (in addition to various other health benefits), you should stop!

Of course, not every wrinkle on the face has to mean something bad – they are part of natural aging. However, we should pay attention if many deep wrinkles appear at a young age and / or other complaints arise. Then a visit to the family doctor can at least not hurt.

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