this is why you should keep your mask outdoors right now


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While the majority of regions of France are on red alert for grass pollen, it would seem that wearing your mask outdoors helps to limit the symptoms of pollen allergy.

Like every year, pollination inconveniences, even sometimes totally disables, millions of people. According to Inserm, the frequency of allergic rhinitis (also called “hay fever”) has quadrupled over the past 30 years. From now on, 25% of the French population would therefore be affected by pollen allergy. And particularly at this time, since according to the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA)the vast majority of the regions of France are in Red alert grass pollen : “ Concentrations of grass pollen are increasing throughout the territory and will be increasingly high at the beginning of May during the beautiful spring days with a medium level risk of allergy. “. A question remains in the face of this ultra-pollination: is it wise to wear a mask outdoors to protect himself ?

The mask, a new ally against pollen

Until now, wearing a mask was not part of the recommendations for allergy sufferers, responds Madiha Ellaffi, pulmonologist and allergist to our colleagues from LCI. It was especially recommended for patients who had to mow their lawn. The recommendations focus on the fact of decrease exposure time and of protect yourself as much as possible with glasses and an cap particularly “. Nonetheless, she concedes, the filtration of the masks is a few microns, so we can imagine that there is less pollen breathed in through a mask”. Some patients say they are less bothered by pollen thanks to the mask. ” So it might be effective “.

There are also barrier gestures to protect against pollen. As in particular the fact of ventilating its interior before sunrise and after dark, the air being less loaded with pollen at these times. Likewise, it is recommended to do not dry clothes outside, to limit outdoor activities, including leaving car windows closed. In case of pollen allergy, it is advisable to expose yourself as little as possible to the risks and therefore to limit outdoor trips.

Social journalist, Barbara is particularly interested in human and social sciences (psychology, sociology and philosophy), feminism and health, well-being and…

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