this is your love language based on your sign

The astrological sign can teach us a lot about others, including the language of love! So here is the love language of each zodiac sign.

Those who are closely interested in astrology know how each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics and personality traits. What if the signs of the zodiac could also tell us more about the language of love adopted by each person? As a reminder, the language of love is a theory developed by Gary Chapman in his psychological book entitled The 5 love languages.

According to this theory, there are 5 love languages ​​that everyone adopts unconsciously. And the fact of not speaking the same language as your partner would be responsible for many conflicts since generally, we give to the other what we would like to receive. Identifying your love language and that of your partner would allow you to resolve many conflicts.

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The 5 love languages

In his work, Gary Chapman lists 5 love languages ​​which are as follows:

  • Services provided
  • Physical contact
  • Time spent together
  • To receive presents
  • Compliments and encouragement

The Love Language of Aries

A fire sign, Aries is unpredictable and loves adventure. Aries are known for their independence but also their ardor. So to make an Aries happy, you have to prioritize quality moments and therefore time spent together. And don’t hesitate to shower him with compliments, he should appreciate feeling valued.

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The love language of Taurus

The sense of touch is essential for a Taurus. Very down to earth and sensual, this sign likes to hug the person he loves. For Taurus, the language of love will primarily be physical contact. But it is possible that this sign also particularly appreciates receiving gifts, for its little materialistic side.

The love language of Gemini

If Gemini is by far the most difficult sign of the Zodiac to pin down, so is its love language. But one of the main qualities of Gemini is their great sense of communication. So since this sign likes to talk and have fun with the people they love, they will naturally enjoy time spent together. To feel loved, Gemini needs to feel like he has your full attention.

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Cancer’s love language

Very emotional, Cancer can sometimes become anxious and insecure in their relationships. This sign therefore needs to spend time with their other half to reassure themselves. But Cancer is also very sensitive to small attentions and therefore to services rendered.

Leo’s love language

A bit egocentric, Leo likes to be taken care of and pampered. And it’s better not to take half measures with a Leo. This fire sign loves beautiful things and especially being showered with gifts. And also that we compliment him, after all, why choose between the two?

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Virgo’s language of love

Virgo is a demanding sign that likes things well done. Very manic, Virgo needs things to be organized in their own way so as not to lose control. To make a Virgo feel loved, there’s nothing better than relieving her of all her chores by doing her a few favors. But they also like cuddles and tender moments to decompress.

The language of love Libra

Libra’s heart does not waver and his desire is simple: to spend quality moments with the person of his heart. On the other hand, be careful not to suffocate a Libra; you must remember to give them their personal space. Having a deep sense of justice, Libra is philosophical and likes to discuss at length with others.

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Scorpio’s love language

For the Scorpio, their love language is easy to decipher: it is physical contact. Yes, Scorpio is undoubtedly the most sensual sign of the zodiac. For him, physical touch is essential in a relationship. But be careful, this magnetic sign will prefer to spend quality time with you rather than establishing a reassuring routine. Don’t hesitate to pull out all the stops during your romantic evenings, they will appreciate it.

The love language of Sagittarius

Sagittarius’ pronounced taste for adventure pushes this sign to seek quality moments with their partner above all else. His ideal? Find someone with whom he can do fun activities while having deep conversations. His love language is therefore time spent together but also physical contact.

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Capricorn’s love language

Under the influence of Saturn, Capricorn is a sign that needs discipline in life. Very demanding, this sign always aims to obtain what is best. Whether in his professional or love life. He will expect his partner to be reliable and to show it through actions. This sign will therefore be particularly receptive to the services provided.

The Love Language of Aquarius

The need for freedom is fundamental for Aquarius. It is also not always easy to be in a relationship with an Aquarius, given their elusive aspect. To feel loved, Aquarius needs rewarding words but also quality moments with their partner.

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The love language of Pisces

Very emotional, Pisces is undoubtedly the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. He therefore particularly needs to be reassured and to feel that he is loved. To help him, you must therefore focus on quality moments which will give him the feeling of no longer being alone. But also on the services provided which show that you anticipate their needs and therefore think about their well-being.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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