this letter “with trembling handwriting” received by the parents of the little boy

This disappearance has upset France and especially Marie and Colomban, the parents of little Emile, 2 years old. Here is their testimony and their gratitude for all the support they receive and which seems to help them so much.

Emile’s parents, Marie and Colomban, recently spoke to Famille Chrétienne to discuss the messages of support they have received since their son’s disappearance several weeks ago. Since July 8, date of the disappearance of Emile in the family home of his grandparents, the whole of France is in turmoil, hoping to find the little boy. If the theories on the reason for his disappearance are numerous, the couple spoke for the first time on August 29.

Marie and Colomban notably spoke messages of support that they have received since this tragic disappearance. They quoted the words of a man who particularly touched them: “I don’t know you, but it’s as if it were the opposite. My wife died and we didn’t have any children but, despite everything, I feel in pain. I am a believer and a Catholic. : my prayers go to God so that he gives Emile, in the worst case, a beautiful and divine life by his side, but I also pray that he comes back”.

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Disappearance of Emile, an infallible hope

After almost 2 months of research, the investigation is still at the heart of the news. While the mystery hovers, hope and faith remain intact for her young parents who are struggling to find their 2 and a half year old baby boy. As a reminder, it was on July 28 that the public prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence opened an investigation for “arbitrary kidnapping, arrest, detention and sequestration of a 15-year-old minor”.

In this interview, requested by the parents themselves, the Christian family magazine transcribes their daily struggle. The father explained “We inevitably imagine the worst, but we can’t help but hope”. Emile’s mother then added “Sometimes we are overwhelmed with grief and anguish. We despair for a moment, and then we are as if lifted by hope because of a letter or a sign that touches us.

Alixe is passionate about well-being, nutrition and sport. Certified life coach and master’s student in communication and marketing, she likes to devote her time to writing to share and inspire. …

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