This low sugar and low calorie ice cream is the best in the supermarket according to Yuka

Low in calories and very low in sugar, this supermarket ice cream gets the best rating on the Yuka app. To taste without hesitation this summer!

List of ingredients too long, presence of dangerous additives or palm oil… Industrial ice cream is rarely good for your health. They are also often very high in sugar and fat. This is why nutritionists recommend consuming them occasionally, as part of a balanced diet.

If we revealed to you, a few weeks ago, the name of the worst supermarket ice cream according to a nutritionist, today we reveal the one that presents the best composition according to Yuka. An application that analyzes the ingredient lists of food products. Good news, this is a well-known brand of ice cream, which is easily found in supermarkets and at a rather affordable price! Also discover 2 other ice creams well rated by the application.

The best supermarket ice cream is low in calories

The supermarket ice cream that gets the highest rating on the Yuka app is the HÄAGEN-DAZS Gelato 150 Calories, with 72/100. This very gourmet ice cream, based on caramel, contains less than 150 calories per jar ! Other strong points: its composition without additives, with little salt (0.33g per 100g) and little sugar (17g per 100g).

The Yuka app also recommends Village Organic Dark Chocolate Ice Cream (58/100) which has the advantage of containing no synthetic pesticides, no additives and few calories (193kCal per 100g). Yuka also gives a very high rating to the ice cream Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Ice Cream (69/100) available at Monoprix. The only problem is its slightly higher price, with €7.49 per jar.

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