This material turns a house into a giant battery to store energy

Researchers have discovered a new material capable of storing energy. Based on cement, this material could be used in the construction of homes or roads, which could become energy reserves. It remains to improve the efficiency to make it a replacement solution for lithium batteries.

house material energy storage

When we talk about renewable energy, there are two issues. The production, with solar panels, wind turbines, hydraulic power stations, etc. And storage to power our homes, electronic devices and electric cars. To conserve energy, you need accumulators: batteries, batteries, etc. These electrical components often require materials that are expensive, rare and whose operation is not synonymous with ecology. We are thinking in particular of lithium.

This material stores energy and can be used to make houses

Researchers have created many battery prototypes in recent years to conserve energy. But a new experiment caught our attention. It comes from a team from MIT, the famous American university. And it uses materials that we find abundantly on Earth and whose exploitation is more respectful: cement (that being composed of clay and limestone) and carbon. And more precisely carbon black.

What is the principle ? The researchers created a “ supercapacitor » which uses the conductivity of carbon black. Cement and carbon black are mixed with water. The cement freezes on contact with the liquid, leaving countless fine galleries where carbon penetrates. The mixture is then soaked in an electrolyte which will cause the carbon to react. Two plates of the material are formed and separated by a separating member.

A house could store the energy it needs

The whole therefore creates a capacitor capable of storing energy and transmitting it. The yield of a small portion of a cubic meter is low: 300 Wh. But the goal is to create a very large surface area of ​​this material. Using 45 cubic meters of the mixture for the foundation of a house, it could store enough energy to meet its daily needs. Likewise, researchers believe it would be possible to create roads capable of storing energy and transmitting it to electric cars during their journeys. The applications are numerous.

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For many years, researchers have developed revolutionary battery prototypes, with unusual owners. They retain energy longer. They have better energy density. They recharge faster. But none of these prototypes managed to move beyond the experimental stage. And yet, they all respond, more or less, to the energy transition towards electronic goods and means of transport that are more respectful of our environment. Let’s hope this latest invention achieves that.

Source: PNAS

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